MHM - 3

45 3 0

Christiana's POV

The warm rays of sunlight filtered through my eyelids. I found myself comfortably laid on my soft bed under the warm blankets. Without even questioning it, a smile stretched on my face. Dustin.

Besides Melody, Dustin and Frank were my best friends. However, Dustin and I are awfully close compared to the other two. I'm sure he knew why I was cuddled up in the corner last night, at first place.

As I tried to get off the bed, I felt a strong grip around my waist and some mumbling. My head whipped to the side only to find Dustin peacefully asleep. No, we are not mates and we surely aren't dating.

"Dustin..." I called, attempting to wake him up.

"Few more minutes please, Tee" he mumbled, pulling me back down in his warm embrace. It felt comforting, but wrong for some reason.

"No, I gotta get out Dustin..." I whined, trying to squirm out of his strong grip, but failed. After awhile I just gave up and threw my head back on the pillow.

"Mhmm...good girl" I heard him mumble and once again he was soundly asleep.

After an hour, I chose to wake him up again and this time he didn't argue. As soon as his eyes fluttered open, I started interrogating him.

"Why were you in my bed?" I questioned, folding my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow in process.

"I came in to check on you last night like always and... you were cuddled up on the floor. So, I put you on your bed and," rubbing the back of his neck he continued. "I got lazy for some reason so I just stayed here." He shrugged like it was normal to do.

"Oh Dust..." I face palmed. However, as soon as I said that my door flung open and a loud growl was heard causing both mine and Dustin's eyes to go wide with astonishment.

My wolf however, was sort of edgy. I set confused, but that was until the mesmerizing scent of tropical and woods like hit my nose.

'Mate' my wolf stated.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There stood Chase in all his glory and black leather jacket. Damn he is H O T. Wait, we are mates what? Why is he growling threateningly? I thought.

That's when I realized... this can't be good. He thinks I and Dustin have something going on.

Why should I care though? I shrugged it off - or at least tried to, but my wolf filled me in with the why part, argh.

'Cuz he is our mate'

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