Chapter 23.

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The rum bottle explodes. Dylan jumps up and turns on the kitchen light.

"Christ Almighty—that's a lot of estrogen." He grabs a dish cloth to extinguish the residual flames. "Is everyone all right?"

We all nod, shaken but unhurt, except for Paco who's in a state of blissful serenity. "Blair, Lizzie, thank you. My abuela came and spoke to me."

"Paco, we should be thanking you. Your abuela protected us. Without her help, one of us might be dead." Blair's face is haggard and unnaturally pale. She's out of breath and looks pummeled, as if she has raced through a deadly gauntlet.

He nods, "Granma Roja was Catholic, but she also practiced Espiritismo."

"What's Espiritismo?" I ask.

Blair exhales. "The pagan belief you can commune with your deceased loved ones. In many cultures, two religious beliefs can be fused as one. The worship of a Trinity comes​—not from the Bible—​but from pagan religions." She spreads her hands over the table. "Holy days, incense, lamps, holy water and votive offerings were sanctified and then adopted into the Christian Doctrine." She turns to Paco. "No wonder you thought she would be present tonight. Your abuela knew more about the circle's power than I did. Her love was strong enough to vanquish fear and darkness."

"She heard my prayer and came." Paco says with a beatific smile.

Dylan wipes his brow. "We need to learn more about Blackbeard and his relationship with his ex-wife. Right now they're the Hatfield and the McCoys, and we're sitting ducks stuck in the middle of their ancient feud.

Blair shakes her head. "We can't do anything about their grudge, but thanks to Paco's abuela, we have safe passage. For now." Her dog goes over to the water bowl, I put down earlier, and starts noisily lapping water.

"Do you think Mary Ormond listened to Lizzie, or is she still seeking vengeance?" Dylan asks.

Blair's mouth forms straight line. "The Rainbow Adder encompasses knowledge of the past, the present, and foreknowledge of the future. I don't know if she'll listen to us. We're mere mortals."

"Do you mean as a High Priestess Mary can see multiple futures?" Dylan asks.

Blair shakes her head, "She could when she was alive, but now she can't access any power of divination. In an act of retribution, Mary Ormond cursed the ship's bells of The Queen Anne's Revenge and corrupted her power. She's a vengeful spirit trapped in a prison of her own rage. A snake eating its own tail." Blair nods in Paco's direction. "His grandmother came to protect him. Maybe Roja can see our future. She's probably been close by all this time, trying to make contact."

Paco nods. "My abuela is here—I can feel her." He sits up straight. I'm no longer afraid. Granma Roja will not allow harm to come to any of us." His chubby face reminds me of the hobbit when he killed the spiders and saved the dwarves. He sets his jaw in a determined manner, his eyes shining as if he's found an inner strength. "She told me to do the right thing and help you. I was afraid to before, but I'll show you the wall Nathan opened in the basement tunnel before he was killed."

As if to sanction his words, the scent of roses blooming in a summer garden, fill the room. I breath a sigh of relief knowing we're under an umbrella of his abuela's healing energy. I can't stop thinking of the sadness I felt in Mary Ormond's heart—the way these two souls have been trapped in time. They keep hurting each other. How many times have they done this lover's dance of anger?

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