Once upon a swap

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Open on Eda's human collectibles stand in the market. King is jumping on the table, trying to grab a flag hanging above him.

King: Weh! (Falls off the table.)Stupid flag!

Luz walks in carrying a ladder and a wooden sign.

Luz: It's been a little slow around here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers.

She puts the wooden sign on top of the "HUMAN COLLECTABLES".

Brook: umm I'm not sure that's a great idea luz. Sweating nervously.

Luz: ah lighten up a bit brook it'll look great trust me she'll like it trust me.

sign and taps it, activating the light glyphs carved into it.

Luz: And who doesn't like their name in lights?

Brook: umm Luz your a good friend but you do realize that Eda is.

And before he could finish a Fully illuminated, a winking face of Eda appears.

Luz: Is it too subtle?

Boscha: Does subtle mean ugly?

Boscha, Skara, and an Oracle track student are standing at the stand.

Brook: oh hello there children. He waves at them happily.

Luz: Hi, Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?

Boscha: Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash.

Brook: well that's not nice where are your manners young lady.

She summons her scroll and takes several pictures.

Luz: It's not funny, Boscha.

Boscha: What are you going to do? Spit your human venom on me?

Brook: actually there was a person who could spit venom and immune to it but that was because he had a devil fruit power.

King: wait a human had venom cool use it brook against them.

Luz: (Kneels down) Even if he could, it's not worth it. You wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her.

King: (Grabs her hood) No, I'll show you what to do. (Grunts, jumps onto the table.) You will tremble before me!

The three teens stare at him.

Boscha: Oh, he's so cute!

She hugs King and summons her scroll, taking a picture with a filter.

King: Weh! .Shoves her face.

Boscha: How much? I have to own him.

King: (Frees himself) You couldn't afford me, sister!

All: Aw!

King: That's the incorrect reaction!

Eda: *Sniffs* I smell an easy mark. (Jumps out of the tent) Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from... (Magically dresses herself in horribly clashing clothes) the human realm

Brook: ummm humans don't wear those types of things.trying not to laugh at edas choice of fashion.

Boscha: Yeah, no.

Skara and the Oracle track student laugh as the three of them leave.

Eda: Well, (Returns to her normal outfit) I hate her.

Brook: wow children can be so cruel in todays life.

Luz: Yeah, teens can be sour, but I'm a little sweetie. Look what I made you!

What if luz ate the light-light fruitWhere stories live. Discover now