2:12 Kai Parker Screwed Us

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Kai Parker Screwed Us
Part 2

Kai Parker Screwed UsPart 2————

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Kai faked gasped. "Classic double cross. And, uh who's 'we'?" Kai questioned.

You held up a finger, shutting him up. "We answered your question. Now you have to answer hers." You stated.

"Why is Jade here?" Josie questioned.

Kai stayed quiet for a little bit. "Yeah. I'm not the one you should be asking." Kai stated.

You let out a sigh. "Okay, then why am I here?" You questioned.

Kai looked up at you. "So you can spend some dear time with your Uncle you've heard so much bad stuff about." Kai stated, smiling fondly, earning you and Josie to just stare at him.


You and Josie followed after Kai as he was most likely going to Ric. Both of you came to a stop when Kai seemed as if he was listening intently on something before vamp speeding away to the Mystic Grill.

Casting a glance at Josie who was already looking at you, you both took off running to where he went. You both ran through the door only to hear a thump on the ground. "Dad!" Josie called while you called, "Ric!" at the same time.

Alaric looked towards where you and Josie had walked in, looking at a desiccated Kai and heartless werewolf. Alaric held a his crossbow. You connected the dots and realised Kai had a crossbow arrow sticking out of his heart. "Josie. Kate." Alaric breathed out, placing his crossbow down somewhere. "Oh god." He whispered as he brought his daughter in for a hug, shortly after bringing you in for one too.

He then pulled away, looking down at the two bodies before looking over at you and Josie, both of you looking at Kai. "What are you two doing with him? He could've killed you two!" Alaric exclaimed.

Josie looked up to meet her fathers eyes. "He saved our lives, actually." Josie fired back.

"I don't care. He's a liar. You can't trust him. You hear me?" Alaric questioned you and Josie.

Instead of answering his questioned, Josie replied with a question. "Was he lying when he told us you sent a bunch of your old students here to punish them?" Josie questioned, making a point. You now looked up from Kai's body to watch Alaric expression.

He stayed quiet, as if he didn't know how to respond. "I told you, we all make mistakes. I'm not about to make the same one twice." Alaric stated, getting the machete Kai had.

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