Chapter One: The Reaping

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I wake up with sweat pooling on my forehead, feeling like I've awoken from a nightmare rather than a dream. I wipe it off with the back of my hand, feeling a degree of embarrassment in doing so. This unconscious screenplay has plagued my mind for an entire year now, yet the tightness in my chest that I feel after waking from it never decreases. I lay against my pillow for a moment and stare at the ceiling as I adjust to reality and get my head on straight. I take a few deep breaths, and shortly after, I'm fine. I close my eyes again and let a momentary calmness wash over me.

That is, until...

"Finnick! Are you up yet? We can't be late for the Reaping! You'd better be awake, or I'm coming up there in five minutes!"

Ah, the call of my mother from the bottom of the stairs on Reaping day. A call I once found annoying and nagging, but this year, I don't seem to mind it at all.

"I'm just getting dressed!" I call down to her, dragging myself out of bed and to the closet. Mind you, this is a closet in a Victor's Village house, so needless to say, it's massive. I have a hard time deciding what I want to wear as I paw through all the shirts.

Finally, I decide on an aqua-blue button-down shirt with a silky texture, and plain black pants to match. When I look at myself in the mirror, realizing that it's Reaping day and I can dress the way I want to, I find myself smiling. Today and every year following, I'm free. Immune. No longer is my name in a pool of pigs to be slaughtered, and never again will it be. Of course, there's still the part of me that fears the calling of other names, such as Annie's, or my friends Kieran and Emery's. In truth, I think I always feared hearing their names called more than I ever did my own.

But all I can do in the moment is take a deep breath, make myself look put together, and put the thought out of my mind for the time being. Once my outfit and hair are adjusted the way I want, I leave my room and head down the stairs. I'm feeling strangely confident. I wonder if it'll last.

When I enter the dining room, my mom and Mags are there waiting for me. The table is set with three plates of pancakes and orange juice, and Mags smiles upon seeing me. She's lived with us for the past year, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't view her as family at this point. More than anything, she's helped my mom feel more like herself again, helping to take care of the house and me. Well, more so the house. But I suppose I am still just a kid, after all.

Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for her.

The three of us engage in small talk until breakfast is over. When it is, I help my mom and Mags clean up, and we begin last minute preparations for the walk down. Our old house was already close to the Justice Building, but our home in the Victor's Village is even more so. From here, we're basically overlooking the place. For days like this, it's convenient, but most of the time I'm indifferent towards it. It's actually a nice place to live, as one would expect.

Once the three of us are ready, Mags gives me a pat on the shoulder and a smile. On a notebook page, she's scrawled out, 'You look very handsome, Finnick. And proud. You will make for a wonderful mentor.'

I return the smile and thank her. But, truth be told, I'm nervous about my newest task at hand. Like Mags was for me, it'll be my job to ensure that the boy and girl who are picked today have the best possible chance of survival in the arena. Regardless, though, I know I'm going to lose one of them no matter what. I'm not sure what I'll do when that happens. I've witnessed death before--and up close at that--but I'll be the teacher now. The person whom that boy and girl will look to for advice, answers, and encouragement. I know I have all three to give. But I'm still a bit nervous.

As we leave the house and begin the short walk, my mom seems to detect the blurred lines in my thoughts. Confidently, she tells me, "That boy and girl will be in no better hands than after today. You can do this, Finnick. And Mags will be there to help you out if you need it."

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