06. cruel summer

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SUMMER. Persephone had always hated the heat, the warmth against her sweaty skin. It was awful, really, but now she felt relieved by the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. She had never seen a beach before, it was beautiful. Too beautiful to be stained with crimson blood. And too beautiful to become a nightmare. She knew she couldn't stay there for long, so she passed by the beach, entering another forest, this one with leafs that were softer and a weather way more humid. A small smile appeared on her face, thinking back at the beauty of the beach.

All happy thoughts were rubbed off of her mind went two people fell from the trees, standing before her. The District 4 tributes. The girl smirked, looking as if Persephone was an animal she was about to hunt, "Look what the shore dragged in." Persephone took a small step back, her hands reaching for her knives. She knew she was in their territory, District 4 was known for its beautiful beach. They were the fishing district, the water was all they knew. And now, they were blocking her way into the forest by keeping her in the place they knew the best.

"What do we do with her first? Should we drown her? Or should we give her a quick death?" The boy asked his accomplice, smiling wickedly.

Persephone held her knifes to her sides, her expression blank as she said, "What about I kill you both? I'll let you choose. Quick? Or painfully slow?" The boy growled at her remark, while she smirked evilly. Furious, he went to punch her in the side. Instead, her knife went through his ribs, making him hiss in pain as she held it there, "Painfully slow, then." She twisted the knife, holding eye contact as blood poured out of his mouth.

"No!" The girl from the fishing district shouted. Percy quickly dropped the boy's body by her side as she noticed the girl running at her. She only took a step to her left, the unexpected a swift moment making the girl fall into the sand. They had been raised in the beach, and now, they would die in it. The girl looked up in horror when Percy hovered over her. The only thing that could be hear was her friend's coughing, and her heavy breath. But the girl from District 5 didn't make a sound. Boom. He was dead. The girl tried to back away, now Percy being the one to look at her as if she was her prey.

Percy smirk came back as she said, "Music to my hears." And then she stabbed the girl from District 4. Her screams being heard by many as Percy didn't stop. Boom. To be honest, Percy had lied. The cannon wasn't music to her ears, she hated it. Now, those screams were oddly satisfying...

And familiar.

She pulled away in horror, her face covered in blood. Taking a few steps back, she collided against a tree, and then she slowly fell to the floor. Crawling and rocking her body as if she was a baby. Suddenly, she could only hear a woman crying. It was if she was there, in front of her. She could see her face, covered in blood. Blonde long hair, tainted forever. Tangled in warm small hands. And then, the crimson colour was in those hands. When she felt someone pull her away from the dying woman, she heard something that pulled away from the... memory?

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