Chapter Nineteen

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"So, is Mark really my Daddy?" Noram asked after a few silent minutes inside Jeno's car.

Glancing across the parking lot, still seeing the two guys fighting, Donghyuck sighed and turned back at Noram.

"Yes, bud. It turns out he's actually your father. Just like you wanted."

"I knew it!" the kid chirped. "I told you from the very start."

Donghyuck chuckled. He sure did. But the thought that a guy like Mark could be the father of a homosexual's child was frightening and barely possible. Well, only at a first glance. When the senior's secret feelings came out, everything changed.

"But you like Jeno too, right?"

"I like them both," the kid said, not even batting an eye. "I want both of them as my daddies."

"Of course," Donghyuck scoffed. "You like to be spoiled by two guys. But that is not how it works, bud. You heard what they said."

"But they're good friends. They can take care of me every second month!"

"That's not how it works," Donghyuck said as he ruffled the kid's hair. "A normal family usually consists of two parents―"

He could finish as he saw Jeno passing by and got distracted. The next second, Donghyuck's boyfriend opened the door and entered the car. Quite aggressively, he extended his arm to get the key back, which the brunette returned with no words said.

"Dont you dare go without me, Jeno!" Mark yelled, chasing after his friend. "I don't have a car here. I don't know this city!"

The senior opened the back door, noticing Donghyuck and Noram sitting there.

"Move," he said to the brunette. "There's no way. I'm sitting at the front with him."

"You! Get the fuck out of my car!" Jeno snapped upon seeing Mark getting inside too.

"No! Didn't you hear me? I have nowhere to go!"

Clenching his jaw, obviously upset and mad, Jeno turned on the engine. Before Mark could entirely close the door, he already drove the car, and then, speeding up so that the wheels squeaked, rolled it down the parking lot. Donghyuck got dizzy as he saw how fast they were going.

"Stop speeding up!" he wailed.

He glanced at the kid, noticing how scared the latter was that he even whimpered. Not only the speed of the car frightened him, but it must be that all of the angriness in each of their voices startled him too.

Turning the steering wheel, Jeno took them to an active street on a four-lane highway. Now it got even scarier as he outran other cars, speeding up even more and making it dangerous.

"Jeno!" Donghyuck raised his voice. "I know you're mad, but that doesn't mean you can risk our lives!"

He didn't hear his boyfriend's voice. Jeno kept diving between other cars, the view through the windows became blurry, honking sounds of other drivers kept repeating as they went past.

"You're speeding up when you're not even wearing a seatbelt! Four people are inside your car―one of them is a kid who doesn't even exist in this world, and I'm pregnant. Do you want us all to get into an accident?"

Something about Donghyuck's words awakened Jeno from deep anger. He turned the wheel, scaring the passengers one last time, and then hit the brakes, instantly stopping the car. Inhaling sharply, he rested his forehead on the steering wheel, listening to complete silence. Donghyuck and Mark were scared to move, so they sat there frozen and quiet as mice. They couldn't even look at each other as both stared at Jeno, analyzing whether they were safe now. Noram, meanwhile, kept pressing his face to his Papa's stomach as if he wanted to become one with him. He was the one who couldn't stand silence and burst into tears.

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