|7| A Kiss And A Dance

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I smiled, my cheeks and jaw hurting from constantly being stretched in the fakest smile I could muster

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I smiled, my cheeks and jaw hurting from constantly being stretched in the fakest smile I could muster. People kept coming and going, the endless cycle of being introduced to random people by Aryan and them congratulating us for the marriage made my mind a mess. Nobody stayed long enough to make a long conversation, all of them wanting to go away and enjoy the most out of this expensive, lavish party.

Sadly, Aryan was stuck by my side, when I was pretty sure he wanted to go and savour the night with his friends.

My introvert battery wasn't recharged enough to take this.

And my lower body felt like jelly underwater.

Swirling my index finger on the hem of the chocolate orange martini glass, I took a sip of the sweet citrusy drink. I knew I had planned to stay in control tonight but to get the hang of the atmosphere around me, I had decided that a little liquid courage was crucial for me to keep up with this. And a delicious, chocolate martini doesn't hurt anyone.

Just as Aryan was talking to a couple of his friends, his brother Rohit joined our small circle with a girl.

I was awe-struck by the raw natural glow on the stunning face of this girl. She had the most perfect hourglass figure accentuated by her white swimsuit. Marilyn Monroe style. Her whole presence exhibited a different energy with a big, genuine smile plastered on her face as she greeted everybody warmly. Her hair was piled on top in an elegant updo in contrast to the zoo-like mess of my haphazard bun.

Her eyes crinkled as she forwarded her hand for a handshake, "I never thought I would see the day when Aryan would agree to get married. That too arranged." Everyone laughed as she continued, "It's great to finally meet you. I am Tara."

I reciprocated her firm handshake, introducing myself, "Ria. I am assuming you two are good friends?" I asked, looking between her and Aryan.

She replied to me, all while staring intensely at Aryan while he looked awkward as hell, "Oh, you have no idea how good of friends we are."

Of course.

Their chemistry screamed past-hookup buddies. Or maybe even more.

Maybe even now.

Not that it was any of my business.

By this time, I had expected Rohit to make some smart-ass comment on the situation but even he was silent. His lips were pursed and his jaw ticked, glancing intently at Tara. His eyes were vicious, radiating a dangerous aura.

My eyebrows shot up seeing the group dynamics, trying to understand the story behind the stares.


I questioned, curiously, "How do you know each other?" I took another sip of my drink to appear nonchalant.

"We have known each other since childhood. I have been Rohit's friend for as long as I can remember and through him, I was introduced to Aryan. Isn't that right, Aryan?" Her voice dripped off honey as she touched Rohit's bicep, leaning into him.

Aryan nodded sternly. His face burned like molten lava as he saw Rohit circling his arm around Tara's shoulder. Whether in anger, embarrassment, jealousy or something else, I couldn't gauge.

Suddenly a girly high-pitched voice called Tara's name from the other side of the pool and she hurriedly bid her goodbye, swimming towards her friend and hugging her enthusiastically, both of them appearing to talk to each other at the speed of a hundred miles per second.

The group of Aryan's friends started talking about his and Tara's childhood friendship and their bond. Rohit still stared longingly at Tara even when she was on another side of the pool meanwhile Aryan sipped his beer, his gaze lingering between me and Tara.

Aryan's tense expression relaxed a bit as the topic of conversation changed after a few seconds.

I saw a few of my college acquaintances calling my name as they waved their hands at me. I hadn't invited anybody here, so they had come through Aryan's invitation. I waved back at them and told Aryan that I would be back in a while.

"It's been such a long time. How have you all been?" I hugged everyone, feeling a little nostalgic about my long-forgotten college days.

"Forget about us common people, Miss Know-it-all." One of my friends, Maya gushed, "You tell. How is the glamourous consultancy life in the Big Four treating you?"

I laughed amusedly, "It's not all that glamorous when you are working for eighteen-plus hours a day. All the shine wears off after a while."

"True that." Rajat, who worked in the same domain, said, shaking his head.

"But your pay is off-charts. So it's worth it. And now you are also marrying The Aryan Arora! How lucky!" Maya exclaimed, practically jumping on her toes inside the pool.

I rolled my eyes, swatting her playfully, "You can take him from me any day if you want."

A mock horrified look crossed her face, "If he wasn't my boss then sure, I would have taken him. And it's too late now, anyways. I am stuck with this idiot." She looped her arm with Rajat's. Both of them looked at each other, totally smitten.

"You finally gathered the guts to ask her out?" I grinned and asked Rajat, knowing how he had the biggest crush on Maya when we were in college.

His cheeks reddened and he nodded as he pulled her close to him, "She has always been the one for me. I wish I had acted on it earlier."

He bend down to kiss her forehead as she closed her eyes, a bashful smile adorning her face.

"So, when's the wedding?" I asked.

Maya pouted, "He hasn't even proposed yet. Such a slow bugger I have chosen to love!" She showed me her left-hand ring finger.

"I am sure he is planning something grand," I assured her.

"He better be." She said, scrutinising Rajat.

"Anyways, you said, Aryan is your boss. Is that right?"

She nodded her head. "I am working as a Senior Brand Manager at Masala Haven. Rajat and I have been good friends with him since our college days."

"Since the college days?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, he was our senior at IIM A. Didn't you know?"

My eyes bulged at this newfound information about sharing my alma mater with Aryan. How hadn't I noticed?

"I don't remember him from then..." I trailed, still trying to recall any moment when I must have seen my future husband in college.

Both of them started to chat about him as I heard the DJ announcing something.

"And now, it's time for the most awaited grand kiss. Everybody, make some noise for our beautiful wedding couple!" The crowd went wild, cheering uncontrollably. I looked around confused.

"What is this about?!" I whispered loudly in Maya's ear.

"You don't know about this? It's like a ritual which is followed in these before-marriage pool parties among Aryan's group. The couple has to kiss and dance together. It's some sort of legend for a happy married life." She shrugged as if it was no big deal.

All the colour drained from my face and my mind went haywire as my eyes searched for Aryan furiously.


I would love to hear your thoughts about the story. Also, the updates can be a bit irregular for a few days as I have my college exams coming up soon.

And it would mean the world to me if you all can share this story with your friends and on your conversation boards so that more people get to know about my work.😊


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