|35| Enchanted

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Do read the previous chapter if you forgot where we left off!

Do read the previous chapter if you forgot where we left off!

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"You are reading a naughty scene again, aren't you?"

Ria's cheeks were rosy red, as she cuddled into the blanket.

It had been a long day yesterday after the drama unfolded. Ria apologized to Shreya and Shubhman for the ruckus her words had caused. Shubhman assured her that in fact, she had helped them by revealing their relationship to their families when they had been afraid for years to do so. Their families in the end were surprisingly quite okay with their inter-religious romance. It appeared like the couple had been worried about nothing. Except for some gossip that infiltrated the Christmas party, everything was fine. And they were set to get married over the coming Summer after their prompt engagement last night. The media was bustling with the news of the most famous cricketer getting finally hitched. 

But it was still stressful for Ria as she nearly chewed her nails off in the worry of what she had caused. Now that the matter had settled, she appeared to be relatively calm on this lazy day. There were no wedding functions today so she was relaxing, with her eyes not deterring from her book for even a second. She tilted her Kindle away from me, not wanting me to see what was on there.

"Naughty scenes are read on the nights only," She said, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Only on nights?" I challenged, moving closer to the place on the bed where she sat.

She nodded, feigning confidence while I could see the pulse through the delicate skin of her neck throbbing at the unexpected conversation and observed how her breathing deepened when I moved nearer.

"Then show me what has got you blushing like that if it's not a naughty scene."

She bit her lip, contemplating before saying, "Reading Romance might not be your cup of tea."

"Don't tell me that you are afraid to show it to me. I promise I won't tell your mom about this porn-reading addiction of yours," I cooed, as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Whining, she defended, "It's not porn. There's the story, the plot, and everything interesting. I read romance for all these things. Not just the sex."

"But some part of you still reads it for the naughty things?"

She leaned back on the pillow and adjusted the position of her glasses before cowering away, burying herself deeper into the blanket.

"Right?" I asked.

She whined in a small voice, "Maybe. Now stop teasing me." She pushed the pillow kept beside her onto me to distance herself.

I tugged her closer to me, circling my arm around her shoulder, peeking in the screen. I silently read the words of the scene where the couple in the book was on a date in a restaurant and the guy was trying to sweet talk his way into her pants. Obviously.

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