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— EVELYN pulled up to JJ's house. She knew he had told her he didn't want her help, but she couldn't just sit back knowing what was happening. She picked up the envelope from the side of the car before getting out.

She took a deep breath before heading towards the door. Evelyn had met JJ's dad on a couple occasions, and he terrified her.
Once on his porch, Evelyn knocked on the door, her hands now becoming incredibly shaky.
She was waiting for a couple moments before JJ's dad opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked, his voice was slurred and he was holding a beer bottle.
"Hi, I'm Evelyn one of JJ's friends." He nodded. "JJ told me about the repair costs, and I just wanted to help out." She reached into her pocket and grabbed the envelope, passing it to him.
He stared at it for a moment.
"Who do you think we are? Some charity case?" He exploded.
"No of course not. It's just JJ's a good friend of mine and I wanted to help." Evelyn's voice was shaky as she became more panicked.
"Well we don't need your help. JJ's capable of getting the money on his own. He slammed the door in her face.

He never handed Evelyn the envelope, although she kind of guessed he wouldn't be using the money to help pay for repairs.

"Ev. What are you doing here?" JJ called as he made his way up to the house.
"Look, I know you told me you didn't need my help; but I couldn't let him treat you like that. So I tried to give him the money to help pay for repairs but he just screamed in my face." JJ shook his head, pulling Evelyn away from the house.

"Evelyn what were you thinking?" He sighed. "You know my dad can't be trusted."
"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help." She stared at the floor when she spoke.
"No it's okay. I appreciate you wanting to help, it's just not easy okay?"

JJ snuck into the house to grab some more clothes. Evelyn waited outside in the car so she could drive them back to hers after.
JJ was still staying at Evelyn's, he had insisted on going home quite awhile ago but Evelyn wouldn't let him.

Once in the car JJ explained to Evelyn the plan. They were going to melt down the cold and take it to the pawn shop, they were then going to use the money they got to pay off his restitution.

The group met up a little while later to melt down the gold. They knew they couldn't do anything with it whilst it still had the wheat symbol on it.

It was quite quick to burn, JJ didn't expect Kiara's plan to work but it did.
Once they had the gold all melted they drove to a nearby pawn shop to sell it.

JJ went up to the register as the others wandered around the shop. They had chosen him to sell the gold as he was the best liar.
They all listened in intently, hoping their plan would work.

The lady at the register didn't believe the gold was real, she went through many different tests to try and determine whether it was a real piece of gold or not; and in the end, as they suspected, it was real.

They lady went out back for a moment. When she came back, she offered JJ $50,000.
JJ began to complain, asking for more money. The two argued back and forth, JJ trying to raise the price.

The lady said she would have to send them to the warehouse to get the money as she didn't have it there. So that's where they headed.

"So they keep money out here?" Pope asked.
"That's what she said." JJ said, chuckling to himself after he realised what he had said.
"Stop." Pope said and JJ quickly stopped laughing.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah admitted, turning around in her seat.
"'Cause you're rich." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You're never heard of it either." Kiara pointed out.

body language   - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now