Chapter 5

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Knock knock knock! A fist pounded against the tall oak doors of the McGarden estate.

"LEVY!" Antoinette shrieked from her room upstairs, "HURRY UP AND GET THE DOOR!"

"Yes Anna! Right away," Levy called, putting away the last of the dishes and running to get the door. Before opening it, she straightened the piece of burlap in her hair and wiped her hands on her apron.

She turned the handle and opened the door wide, "Welcome to McGarden Est- Gavin?"

Levy was startled to see the cook standing in her doorway. The last person she expected to see was him, and quite frankly, she was surprised that he even knew where she lived.

"Hey there Short Stuff," The pierced man flashed her favorite crooked grin. Just the sight of his smile made her stomach flop and her cheeks heat. She desperately fought down her blush and replaced it with anger.

"What are you doing here?" Levy whispered furiously, "You know what would happen if Lady Minerva saw you talking to me,"

"Relax," he chuckled, "I just came ta-"

"LEVY!" Antoinette bellowed, "WHO IS IT?"

Both Levy and Gavin cringed at the sound of her stepsister's voice.

"Mavis, that chick needs to take it down a few pegs," Gavin muttered.

"Ugh, don't I know it," Levy agreed with him wholeheartedly. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I came to deliver somethin' ta the Ladies of the McGarden Estate," He pulled out four elegant envelopes and handed them to Levy.

"What the..." The woman murmured, looking over one of the letters, "This is the seal of the King!" She exclaimed, looking at the stamp brandishing the envelope.

"Yeah, they're invitations for a ball comin' up in August. Apperently it's being held for the Prince ta choose a bride er some shit..." He trailed off, glancing around the forye.

"A ball?" Levy whispered. As a little girl, her father would often tell her stories about fair maidens meeting their true loves at royal balls. Gazing into the prince's eyes and knowing right then and there that they would be together forever. It made her heart flutter just thinking about it. She idly wondered whether or not Gavin would be attending. She immedately dismissed the idea. Cooks can't go to royal balls. Right?

"Yeah," Gavin coughed, "The King wanted all the eligable chicks in the kingdom ta be there, so... dust off yer dancin' shoes shorty,"

Levy looked up at her friend, ignoring the jab to her hight, and grinned, "Thank you so much Ga-"

"Levy! What on Earthland is taking you so long?" Evangeline demanded.

Levy spun around and met the cold black eyes of her eldest stepsister. "Eve! M-my apologies," She bowed her head low and presented the three envelopes to her sister, "I was just speaking to the messenger about the ball coming in August,"

"A ball?" Antoinette asked, walking up from behind her sister.

"Yes apperently," Eve snatched the invites from Levy's hands and gazed at them intently. Suddenly, however, she turned her gaze over to Gavin who was still standing in the doorway. "You don't look like a royal messanger," she glanced him over suspiciously.

"Tch," he scoffed, "Great observation skills lady,"

Eve looked absolutely shocked by his crude manners.

"I work down in the kitchens. The Prince's cook," He continued. "There were so many goddamn invites ta hand out, that the King ran outta messangers,"

"Hmph! Well then I suppose that makes sense," She then turned her gaze over to Levy, who was standing ram-rod straight with her hands behind her back. "You!" Eve snapped, "What are you hiding?"

Knowing that she would get in even more trouble if she lied, Levy slowly brought her hand out from behind her, brandishing the invite. "Well there were four invites. One for you, one for Anna, one for Lady Minerva and..." she held the letter to her chest, "One for me,"

"Please!" Anna laughed, "As if they'd want you! Most likely that invite was for the cat!"

Eve held her hand towards Levy, "Stop being foolish. You have much too many chores to be bothered with the ball anyway. Now, give it here, you won't be needing that invite,"

"No," Levy whispered, hugging the letter closer to he chest.

Evangeline's face twisted with rage, "What was that?"

"No," Levy spoke louder this time; clearer.

"Why you disgusting little insect!" Eve bellowed, and then...


Eve's hand collided with the smaller woman's cheek, sending her flying to the ground.

"Ah!" Levy shrieked as her head collided painfully with the marble.

"HEY!" a gruff voice bellowed. Gavin stomped into the house and stood between Eve and Levy. "How dare you strike her?!" he bellowed. His face was flushed with anger as he bared his sharpened teeth to the woman.

"She disobeyed me! She outright refused an order and she deserved to be punished!" Eve snapped back.

"Like hell she deserved it! You had no right to take away her privillages! And you had no right to strike her!" Gavin shouted.

Eve's face was contorted with rage as she spoke in a deadly tone, "You will leave this manner and never return,"

"No way! Not if-"

"Please," A small voice whispered, halting his words immediatly. "Please just- just go," Levy cried silently on the ground, not meeting her friend's concerned gaze.

"Fine," Gavin instantly sobered, "I'll go,"



Gavin flashed the two monsters one more look before stomping out of the house. As he slammed the door behind him, he could hear one last retort coming from inside.

"You will never be allowed to attend the ball. No prince want to wed a poor little Cinder Woman,"

A low growl escaped Gavin's throat. It was right then in there that he decided that he would make it his duty to get Levy to the ball. Even if it meant he had to get his hands dirty.


AN: Wow, what a lovely little chapter! You know I gotta say, this is deffinatly one of my better "thrown together at 3 in the morning" works. I'm kinda proud of myself. And I kind of lied to you guys, this chapter was actually shorter than the last one. I looked at the number of words and it wasn't even at a thousand, so I was like "FAIL!" Oh well, remember the saying guys, "Bitches get Stitches" ;D Hope you enjoyed!

Later Taters!


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