Chapter 9

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"Levy," Minerva's cold voice spoke from behind the sweeping woman. Immediately, Levy stopped her broom and stood ridged.

"Y-yes Lady Minerva?" Levy asked. Not turning to face her step-mother.

"I want you to go to that seamstress and pick up our gowns for tomorrow night," Minerva circled the girl and stopped in front of her.

"Yes, of course Lady Minerva,"

"Good. Now get going," Minerva started to walk away, but Levy spoke up, stopping her in her tracks.

"B-but I was just wondering if I could get a gown for myself. There's many lovely gowns on sale, and-"

Minerva laughed humorlessly at Levy's request, "Oh Levy, you make me laugh so much. What on Earthland do you need a gown for? Unless..." her voice had a suspicious tone in it now as she stared the woman in the eyes, "You aren't planning on attending the Prince's betrothal ball are you?"

"W-well, there was an invitation for me and-"



Without warning, Minerva slapped Levy square across the face, sending her to the ground.

"How dare you ask such a thing? You know your place and yet you go as far as to ask for permission to attend?" Minerva spoke coldly, staring at the woman who lay at her feet.

"But, every eligible woman was invited Lady Minerva,"

"Don't you dare speak back to me!" Minerva shouted. She threw out her foot, lodging it into Levy's side and sending the girl tumbling out of the grand living room and into the foyer.

The wind surged out of Levy's lungs upon impact. She curled into herself, choking on air,  desperately trying to catch her breath. Her side throbbed, a bruise was most likely forming, but Levy paid no attention to it seeing as Minerva quickly made her way over to the gasping girl.

"Get up! I said get up you insolent wretch!" her step-mother shouted. Levy propped herself on her hands and knees. One hand grasped her side as the other slowly pushed her to her feet.

As soon as she stood, Minerva grasped a handful of Levy's hair and brought her face up to her step-mother's. At this point she was standing on her tiptoes and her head was craned in hopes to relieve the pain on her scalp.

"You are going to go get our gowns and you are going to return quickly. Don't even think about getting anything for yourself, because if you do, you will meet a fate much worse than hell. Got it?" Minerva snarled.

"Yes ma'am," Levy sobbed, the pain in her side and on her head was becoming overwhelming.

With a firm grip still on her hair, Minerva yanked the woman over to the entrance of the manner and pulled open the door. "Be quick, you still need to make dinner," With that, Minerva tugged on her hair one more and threw Levy down the steps of the manor.

Levy's arms, legs, and face got several more scratches and bruises on her way down the stairs. Once again, the wind was knocked out of her as she finally reached the end, landing flat on her back. She lied there for a minute, gasping, before struggling to pull herself to her feet.


Levy pushed open the door to Juvia's shop, the bell jingled softly, signaling her presence.

"Juvia will be with you in a moment!" Juvia's voice called from behind the door of her back room.

While she waited, Levy wandered around the shop, staring in wonder at the beautiful masterpieces her friend had created for the people attending the ball. Just as Levy stopped to admire a particularly beautiful orange gown, Juvia stepped into the room and came up beside her.

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