Chapter 16

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A small group of horses thundered through the forest, the trail barely wide enough to atone for all of them. One of the horses had a large carriage trailing behind it; bars covered its only window in the back. Two of the horses were the palest of whites, with the seal of the king that lay on the base of their reins. The leading horse, however, was of the pitchest of blacks. Its back was bare, save for the simple saddle, and its reins held the seal of the prince. All three horses, and their riders, were set on one destination: The McGarden Estate.

"You're Highness, please! What's the rush?" Lady Erza shouted to the large man that rode in front of her.

"Yeah man! I don't know if this poor trailer can take much more of this speed!" Bixlow, the head of the royal detention unit, shouted from behind her. The black trailer that was being dragged behind him was starting to show some wear-and-tear due to the harsh pace that the prince has set.

"Quit yer whinin'!" Gajeel shouted over the sound of the hooves beating against the packed dirt. "We're almost there, so can it wouldja?"

The two knights exchanged a confused look. Both of them questioned as to why the prince was in such a hurry to get to the woman's house. It wasn't like she was going anywhere. Though his pace was one thing to wonder about, their true confusion lied in his decision to bring the jail cart. Bixlow had questioned his decision before they had left, but the prince had only responded with a vague "Trust me. We'll need it,"

When Bixlow thought his poor jail cart wouldn't make it, the prince pulled on the reins on his stallion, bringing the group to a stop.

"Damn," The knight mumbled, "You sure she's even here? It looks like it hasn't been occupied for years," The house, although large and stately, was somewhat run-down, leaving him to question if anyone even lived there anymore. The cobble-stone walls were crumbling, while large vines climbed up the sides. The windows were boarded shut with what seemed like rotting wood. The large oak doors were splintered and almost hanging off their hinges in their shut position.

"Believe me," Erza muttered back, "With the amount of times I've searched this place, I can tell you that someone does indeed live here,"

"Yeah," Gajeel hopped off his horse and guided it over to the fence surrounding the house. "And that's why I toldja to bring the jail cart," he tied Lily off onto the fence. The knights hopped off of their steeds and did the same.

"Ok! So what's the plan? Should Erza and I wait out here, or are we all going in, or what's the deal? Should I bring the stick?" Bixlow asked Gajeel eagerly, referring to the large bat he used to beat people into getting into the jail cart.

"Nah, you won't need the stick. These chicks are fuckin' sadistic but they'll-" he was abruptly cut off by a blood curdling scream, piercing the once tranquil air.

"That came from inside the manor!" gasped Erza. Gajeel wasted no time in thundering up the steps leading to the house, the two knights quickly trailed behind him. Incoherent yelling could be heard from inside, and with each shout, the prince's anger grew tenfold.

Just as Gajeel was about the blow the doors off their hinges (again), they suddenly swung open, revealing an enraged Minerva and a beaten down Levy. Minerva held the young woman up by her arm, her hand keeping a vice-like grip on her upper arm. Blood trailed down her face and neck, coming from small slices in her skin. Levy's once beautiful sky blue locks were soaked, now a dull and murky color. It hung plastered to her face and- was her hair steaming?

"You're highness!" Minerva gasped. With a firm grip still on Levy, she quickly bowed her head in respect to the prince. "What brings you to my humble home?"

Gajeel didn't have time for formalities. Levy was in obvious pain, and from the looks of it, would be in the infirmary for quite some time. "Drop her. NOW," It was becoming more and more difficult to reel in his anger, and his control was slowly slipping away.

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