Chapter 6

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The overhead bell jingled as she stepped through the door of the clothes shop.

"Hello! Welcome to Juvia's- Levy!" Juiva called out. She was hidden behind a mountain of fabric in her arms, but she immediately dropped it when she saw her friend standing in the shop.

The two girls ran at each other, arms wide and waiting.

"Oh Levy!" Juvia crashed into the smaller woman. "Juvia is so sorry she didn't come to visit you lately! Will all of this chaos with the upcoming ball, Juvia had been swamped with orders! She has to make outfits for the towns people AND the royals!"

Levy giggled at her friend's rambling, "Juvia relax. You know that I will always be here to help you out,"

"And Juvia is very greatful for that," she assured her. "Juvia is also greatful that there are only three royals that she has to make clothes for," she walked back over to the mound of fabric she dropped earlier as she talked.

"Three?" Levy inquired. She too bent down to help her friend clean up the mess.

"Yes three," Juvia confirmed, "King Metalicanna, Prince Gajeel, and Princess Wendy,"

"Oh I had forgotten about the princess," Levy felt stupid for not remembering her. Wendy, even at her young age, was known all throughout the kingdoms as the kindest princess there ever was. Levy had never met her, but she sounded like a total sweet heart.

"Its alright," Juvia giggled,"With the way you work, Juvia wouldn't be surprised if you had forgotten that there was even a king!"

"Ha, yeah,"

The two girls finished cleaning up the dropped fabric, and went to go chat in the back sewing room.

"So what brings you here?" Juvia asked as she handed Levy a cup of tea. "You hardly ever come by the shop,"

"Yes well," Levy took a sip of the tea, "Unfortunatly, I came to give you more work. Lady Minerva and her daughters need dresses for the ball, and you're the best seamstress in the kingdom,"

Juvia laughed merrily, "Juvia is very greateful that you think so highly of her. But..." she took a sip of her tea and looked at Levy suspiciously, "You said that only said your step-siblings needed gowns. Does that mean you have your own outfit?"

Levy looked sadly down at the carpet, "No, I don't. I'm not going to the ball,"

"What?!" Juvia exclaimed, bringing her cup down with a thud, "What do you mean you aren't coming?"

"Well, after the whole ordeal with the invitations, Lady Minerva forbade it," Levy mumbled dejectedly.

Juvia's face flushed an angry red as she spoke in a dangerous voice, "Yes. Gavin told Juvia about that,"

"Juvia, please," Levy shook her head, "Getting angry about it isn't going to do anything. Besides," her tone was bitter now, "I've been through worse,"

"What more could they have possibly done to you?"

"Remember the day we met? At the graveyard?" Levy asked.

Juvia nodded her head slowly.

"That day, I had asked to see my father's grave. She got mad and called him a traitor to the family for dying. Then she forced me to sleep in the graveyard that night. I wasn't allowed to return home until dawn the next day,"

"What? Why didn't you say anything to Juvia? She would have helped you!"

"I had only just met you! I couldn't impose on you like that!" Levy countered.

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