The Meeting

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For the next two hours, Melissa took her time getting dressed for the date. She spritzed her new fragrance in all the right places and took extra care with her makeup. She didn't want to seem as though she'd spent a ridiculous amount of time getting ready to meet a stranger, but she wanted to appear as though she cared about her appearance. This guy had better be worth all of this effort. Shit, as long as its been since I had a good thrashing, he could come in here looking like Quasimodo and I might have to persuade myself not to fuck him.

By the time she was satisfied that she was snatched and ready, the clock read 6:10pm. If this prick doesn't arrive on time...who am I kidding? He's most likely gorgeous and it's going to take everything in my power not to mount him as soon as he walks through that door.

She was restless. She couldn't stop staring at the clock and she couldn't stop wondering if tonight would be the night she'd finally be able to give her yoni the sexual healing it deserved after so much time. She picked up her phone to dial Felicity, desperate for something to help take her mind off the situation at hand. She still hadn't spilled the beans to anyone about the date and she knew she was taking a big chance calling her nosy bff so close to Colby's arrival. But, the restlessness was driving her bonkers.

"Why haven't I heard from you all day?! What are you up to?" I swear, nothing gets past this nosy wench.

"I'm not up to anything!" Melissa laughed in response as she stared down at the little black number she was wearing, feeling slightly guilty, slightly turned on about the secret rendezvous she was about to engage in.

"Yeah, right. Something tells me there's a man."

Dammit. How could she know?!

"There's no man. I'm just sitting here having a chat with a dear, old friend. Is that a crime?"

"It's not a crime, but I know you're lying!"

Melissa continued to laugh, "I'm not lying! There's no man!

The two engaged in light banter until they were both startled by the sound of Melissa's doorbell. Shit! I thought he was going to call.

"Who's that at your door?!" Felicity screeched. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"You don't know anything! That's a delivery guy bringing my dinner! Let me take care of this and I'll call you, later."

"You most certainly will not! Put the delivery guy on the phone if that's who it is, you lying little cunt!"

"I'm not going to put that poor man on the phone to satisfy your crazy flights of fancy!" Melissa laughed in return.

"You won't, because it's not a delivery guy!"

Goodbye, Felicity!" Melissa laughed as she hit end on the call.

She knew Felicity was going crazy wondering who rang her doorbell, but she had bigger fish to fry. A tall, single, childless pilot was at her door and she had to put her best face forward. As she got up from the sofa, she checked the clock, 6:30pm. Right on time. Typical military. She smoothed the front of her dress, stepped into her red stilettos and took a deep breath. Then, she headed towards the door. Here goes nothing.

She decided against looking through the peephole. Too easy. She wanted the full brunt of Colby Roberts to hit her all at once, be it good or bad. When the door swung open, her breath caught in her throat he was so gorgeous. He wore a crisp, blue suit with a sparkling white shirt underneath, no tie, and he smelled as if Adonis himself had stepped down from Olympus to grace her with his presence. Shit. Why didn't Lucy tell me this guy was so fucking hot?!

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