Chapter 35 - Wild Rage

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Walking up the mountain, Honey had been filled with conviction, confidence, determination. Her steps had been steady and strong, her breaths even and heavy.

But now, stood before the entrance of The Seer's cave, she wasn't so sure. She'd been convinced of her independence not ten minutes had gone by but now...

When Honey had imagined meeting The Seer, she's not pictured doing so alone. She'd expected Aedis, Zemira and Chip to be by her side.

Instead, the three of them were down in the village, and she was at the top of a mountain, prepared to meet her fate all alone.

Just as Honey took a deep breath, preparing to take a step forwards, a hushed wind breezed past, and it carried with it whispers.

Soft, hushed voices danced around her as the breeze passed by. They spoke nonsensical words, dishonest promises and deceitful vows twirled around Honey.

"Do not wait at the door," One said, and without her knowing Honey had taken one step. Then another, and another, until she was walking through a dim onyx tunnel. Polished obsidian walls and black scoria floors surrounded her as she walked, as though transfixed through the short tunnel. It was only a few paces and she was faced with a curtain of flaxen coloured bark fibre.

Enter said a dancing voice, and Honey pushed the rough, dry curtain to the side. She was greeted by a crescent shaped room and a semicircle ledge fulfilling the half moon of the chamber.

Huddled by said ledge and surrounded by a thick fog of burning eucalyptus was a figure.

"Are you The Seer?" Honey asked hesitantly, eyes stinging from the smoke.

"Anaki." The figure said, "I'd much prefer to go by my name and not my being. Wouldn't you agree, Mortvi?"

Honey swallowed thickly, "Of course. My apologies."

Anaki let out a gargling, throaty sound before standing.

Honey took a step back as the pile of fabrics morphed into clothes that hung loose on the thin frame before her. Cast in the shadows, Honey could make out no features except for silky black hair.

But then Anaki stepped into the orange firelight, and Honey felt her breath escape her as she took in the mangled face of The Seer. From her right temple to her left jaw was an uneven, gruesome scar, and stitches covered both of Anaki's eyes.

The Seer was blind.

Honey's mouth suddenly felt dry, but she composed herself. She'd been told not to stare, and so she did no such thing. Instead, she bowed.

"I was hoping you would be able to answer some questions I have about... about my memories."

"Or lack thereof." Anaki input, and Honey nodded.

"I can no longer see," Anaki began, and Honey swallowed thickly as she felt a wave of hopelessness wash through her, "And that is not simply because my eyes are sewn shut."

Honey nodded disappointedly, squeezing her eyelids shut as though it'd contain in her despair.

"But I have the answers you seek." Anaki continued.

Honey's head snapped up, "You do?" She breathed out.

"Yes." The Seer said, "Four moons I was visited by a group of Dark Witches. Seven to be exact. They wanted to know something, and so they forced me to search."

Honey's brows furrowed confusedly as Anaki stalked her way towards her, rag-like cloak dragging behind her.

"They wanted to know who it was that would end the war."

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