Prologue: Awakened

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Bold: Talking in coms

Italic: Flashback, Thoughts

"Bold": Herrscher personalities

"Bold Italic": Herrscher


We can see a girl inside a tube filled with an unknown liquid. The liquid is recognized as condense honkai. Several scientists are working around the tube of the girl. 

Scientist#1: She is almost ready. 

Scientist#1: Now we just need to wait until the bonding process is done. 

You might be wondering how did we get here in the first place.

Flashback to around 5 years ago

Y/n Pov

We can see a girl playing with two other girls in an orphanage.

???: Y/n-nee stop teasing me.

Me: How about not? Bronya does like you.

Ah, how I miss that moment so much... I want to see them again. After I am free from this stupid tube, I will find you, Seele.

Seele: Happy Birthday Y/n-nee!

Bronya: Happy Birthday Y/n.

Bronya and Seele hug me at the same time. At that time Cocolia is busy doing other stuff. Ah, what a shame that good things don't last forever...


Me: I am sorry imouto, I will find you again...

How, pitiful... That humans will pay the ultimate price... And that is DEATH.

Back to present


How long I have been kept here... So empty... So lonely... But suddenly the area surrounding me turns white. An unknown figure sitting on a throne looking at me.

Me: Who are you?

The unknown figure didn't respond at all. Instead, the unknown figure comes near me while copying my look but all grey. 

Me: Do you want the power to take revenge on those who ruin my life?

The figure nods, I carefully think about this. But unfortunately, the unknown figure doesn't take no for an answer. Before I could answer the unknown figure, a crystal appear in front of my chest it look like a herrscher core. 

Me: Huh?!

The unknown figure pushes the herrscher core inside of me. I can feel myself changing, it hurts a lot like parts of my body changing. I fall to the floor in front of the unknown figure. Before I lost consciousness I see that unknown figure smirking. I then heard a voice in my head.

???: You will be rewarded more power after you do something...

I then lose consciousness after hearing that. After around 30 minutes of being out, I open my eyes again to see that I am in another place. I look around and see that the floor is checkerboard-like. 

???: So, you are finally awake. 

I look around trying to find the source of the voice. But I suddenly feel pain in my chest, making me fall to the floor. 

Me: Gah, who are you? 

Then someone grabs my head by the chin forcing me to look at her. She looks similar to me except for her hair color, eyes, and clothes. 

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