Chapter 1: Unexpected

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I will update this book until chapter 2 so there will be stuff to read while waiting for the next update. There will be 2 month time skip from the last chapter. From now I will be referred Y/n as Veliona.

This storyline takes place when Shido deals with Kurumi in Raizen High. Also, in this story, there will be my oc that is the herrscher of domination I will also make up some abilities for the herrscher of domination since there aren't a lot of abilities.


Bold: Talking in coms

Italic: Flashback, Thoughts, Whisper

"Bold": Herrscher personality

"Bold Italic": Herrscher personality in mind


Veliona Pov

After escaping the lab 2 months ago, squad 5 from St. Freya has been hunting me down ever since. I also have been training my power in a dimension called Sea of Quanta that I can access. Right now I am heading to school in Tengu City, I am going under the radar for now because in this city there is a group called Ratatoskr whose job is to seal spirit.

They might think I am a spirit so they might keep trying to "seal" me. But I wasn't planning to be sealed at all.

Soon enough I arrive at the Raizen school. I stand in front of the school gate.

Me: Perhaps this could be a new start for me. Why do I have a feeling that we will be meeting soon Seele onee-chan?

I then enter the school and head toward the principal to get the school time scheduled. After arriving at the principal's office, I knock on the door before waiting for a response.

???: You may come in.

I enter the room to see the principal sitting on the chair.

Principal: Ah, you must be the new student.

Me: Yes, I am.

Principal: Good here is your schedule. Your classroom is room 2 and it's located down the hallway outside of my office. Take a right turn after going out of my office.

Me: I understand Mr. Principal.

I then leave the principal's office and follow the direction to my classroom. There I see a teacher waiting for me while standing outside of the classroom. 

???: Ah, there you are I have been told you will be here soon. I am your homeroom teacher. My name is Tamae, what is your name?

Me: My name real name is Y/n Vollerei. But I prefer to be called Veliona Vollerei.

Tamae: I see that could be arranged then. Now, wait here until I call your name.

She enters the classroom and I stand outside waiting to be called in.

Meanwhile at St. Freya.

Seele Pov

I was playing with Bronya in her room before being called downstairs. Now Bronya and I are in the living room with the principal, Major Himeko, Mei, and Kiana.

Bronya: Principal why are we called here?

Theresa: I called you all here because it's regarding the Herrscher of Death 2 months ago who went out of the radar.

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