Chapter 2: Y/n's Issue

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A/n: I decided to change things a bit. You can return to your old form, but the eye will stay red like in the picture above, using HSR Seele clothes. Also about your height, Seele is a bit taller than you by around 5 cm. Thanks for 300+ followers I appreciate it.


Bold: Talking in coms

Italic: Flashback, Thoughts, Whisper

"Bold": Herrscher personality

"Bold Italic": Herrscher personality in mind


Y/n Pov

I hug onee-chan tightly not wanting to let go her go again. She also hugs me back. Kimiko watches us from the rooftop of the doorway.

Me: Onee-chan... I miss you...

Seele: I also miss you imouto...

Seele: Imouto why are your eyes red?

Me: I can change back from my herrscher form to my human form but my eyes will stay red.

Seele: I understand imouto...

She keeps hugging me and not letting me go. I hug her back also doing the same thing.

???: Subject Seele are you okay...huh who are you?

Onee-chan then pulls back from the hug and faces the mysterious girl. She stands in front of me in a protective matter. I hug her from the back.

Me: Onee-chan who is this person?

Seele: Bronya onee-chan this is my sister don't hurt her, please.

Bronya: Bronya understand... But for the other herrscher on top of the doorway roof who is she?

Kimiko: I am Y/n's friend from the lab. We escaped together and she lives with me in this city. Names Kimiko no last name.

Bronya: Bronya see...

Seele: I see, thank you, Kimiko, for taking care of my imouto.

Kimiko: No problem she help me escape after all.

???#1: Bronya why did you leave us down there?

Two more people then arrive at the scene. After both of them notices Kimiko and me they get ready to fight. Onee-chan protectively stands in front of me. Kimiko jumps down from the doorway roof and stands beside me.

Bronya: Subject Mei and Kiana don't be alert the girl behind Subject Seele is her sister and the girl beside Subject Seele's sister is her friend.

???#1: I see then sorry for being hostile for a sec. My name's Raiden Mei the girl beside me is Kiana Kaslana.

Me: I am Y/n Vollerei, in this school I go by Veliona Vollerei.

Seele: Veliona huh? We have a lot to talk about Imouto.

Me: A-Ah okay...

Mei: I'll contact the principal about this matter.

Kiana then gets close to me and starts investigating me. At the same time, Kimiko and Bronya start talking with each other.

Kiana: Wow you almost look identical to Seele here. It will be hard to differentiate you and Seele.

I got shy and hid behind onee-chan. Onee-chan chuckles and then she adapts me. I stop hugging onee-chan and then step back. The three of us then start talking, but mostly Kiana teasing me.

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