Chapter 12 ~ The sleepover (Again)

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*Time Skip*

You get up and put your phone on the charger. You quickly make you're bed and throw some of you're stuffed animals in the closet. Walking over to the bathroom, you pick up all the mess on youre counter. Finally you close the bathroom door and look around you're room. You grab you're phone and check the time. It was 7:42pm. Chris should be coming over soon so you started getting ready for bed. You jumped into the shower and finished your nightly routine. You changed into some pajamas and went downstairs. By the time you were done it was already 7:58pm. You grabbed 2 Pepsi and took them upstairs into youre room. Once you put them on the bedside table you went back downstairs. Your phone started vibrating. It was a text from chris.


C- I'm gonna change and then i'll start going

Y- Okk waiting on you
read 8:01pm

You waited in the kitchen, leaning on the island. Finally you hear a knock on the door. You open it and see Chris. "Christina!" you say eagerly before hugging him. He laughs and hugs you back. "Your in a good mood" Chris says with a questionable tone. "Yeah why wouldn't I? My boyfriend is at my house". You say with a smile. He gives you a suspicious look. You grab his arm and you guys start going upstairs.

Both of you walk into you're room and you lock the door behind you. (A/N- NOT IN A WEIRD WAY) Just before you can turn around Chris picks you up and drops you onto you're bed. "Chris" you say laughing. He jumps onto the bed right next to you. He sighs. You turn over to face Chris. "Can we make a TikTok?" You ask. "On my account?" He asks. "Yeah why not" . "Why not? Y/n don't you think they're gonna have something to say?" he asks. "So? Who cares.". He looks at you with a smile. "Fine". He gets up grabbing his phone and opening TikTok. "What video? I don't have any saved" he says. You grab his phone and search up a sound. "This one" you say showing him. "Its just a normal song though" He says. "Chris I know." you say getting annoyed. He shrugs his shoulders and grabs the phone. He sets it up on you're vanity and he puts the 3 second timer on. "Chris I wasn't ready!" you say in a rush. With 2 seconds left you quickly turn on the vanity light and jump back into the frame. You guys lip sync to the sound and towards the end Chris puts his arms around you. You rewatch the video and he posts it.  You both get back into the bed. "You wanna watch youtube?" you ask. "Yeah sure. What video?" he asks. You smile before turning to look at him. "No" he says. "No" he says again smiling. "Yes" you say going onto their channel.

*Time Skip*

After 2 hours of watching youtube and just doing you're own thing you finally get up. Chris looks over at you. "I'm bored" you say. Chris gets up and hugs you, knocking you over. You smile and look over at him. Chris looks up and looks at you. "We should stay up all night" he says. "What? Chris you didn't even want to come over because it was a school night." you say. "Who said that" he says joking. "You!" you yell. "Please y/n. I haven't done that since forever" he whines. "Fine Chris." You say. "Wait really?" his face lights up. You nod you're head.

*Time Skip*

You look up from you're phone and see chris. He notices you looking and turns to you. "what?" he asks. "Im bored" you complain. "What you want me to do about it" he laughs. You stare at him before checking the time. It was already 12:52am. Chris puts his phone down and grabs the tv remote. He puts on some movie and we both watch. Not too long into the show you get bored. You move closer to Chris and rest your head on his Chest. 

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* you're alarm woke both of you up. You grab you're phone and turn the alarm off. "Why do you wake up so early" Chris says rubbing his eyes. "You can go back to bed. I'll be quiet." you say. He shakes his head and gets out of bed. You start getting ready while Chris takes his bag to the bathroom. You go to you're closet and pick an outfit. Once Chris comes out of the bathroom his hair is fixed and he's dressed.  "That was fast" you say. You finished getting ready and looked over at Chris. He was already looking at you. His eyes sparkled like stars. "Can we make breakfast" Chris says breaking the stare. "Mhm." you say getting up. You both walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Chris opens the fridge and freezer looking to see what you have. He pulls out a bag of frozen potatoes. He turns to look at you. He had the stupidest grin on his face. You laugh and nod you're head. You grab bread from the pantry and put it in the toaster. Then you grab the butter. Soon breakfast is made and you both eat. "Do you normally do this every morning?" Chris asks. You shake you're head. "I never make breakfast. If I do its frozen breakfasts.". You look up from you're plate. "you cook breakfast?" you say shocked. "What no?" he says. "Then how do you know how to cook." you ask. "Y/n theres instructions on the back." He says.  We both clean up our mess and go back upstairs. I touch up my hair and grab my phone. I quickly take a picture for instagram.

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"Ok lets go" you say grabbing your bag. Chris grabs both of his bags and we both walk downstairs and outside. Surprisingly Matt and Nick were already there waiting. We got into the car and soon we arrived to school.

Votes are appreciated!
word count- 1045

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