Welcome Partner

226 6 8

Word Count: 1398
Bettigan sighed as he leaned against the barn door. He fished in his pockets for a lighter, a cigaret waiting patiently on his mouth. He pulled it up, lighting the cigaret. He stuffed the lighter into his pocket as he breathed in the smoke. He blew it out, satisfied as his body relaxed. He slowly slid down, relaxing onto the ground. He didn't care if dirt got on his jeans or if he was caught smoking. He was mentally exhausted, and these things help with it. Sure they can become addictive, but it was only once every couple of weeks. He knew how to control himself.

He stared at the ground as pressure slowly started to ooze away. His mind wondered around, unable to focus on the same topic for too long. He mentally went over his long list of chores in a randomised order. Cattles been fed, watered the crops, fixed the fence, collected the eggs from the chicken coop... Everything was done that had to in order to have the morning free tomorrow. Sunday. His least favourite day of the week.

Sunday should be nice, relaxing. It's the weekend after all, a day off. But not for the Bettigan family. Sunday ment service. Church service. Chips tried to avoid it as much as he could, but given his religious mother, he could have chicken pox and still be forced to go. He hated it. Wasn't as bad when he was little, but after awhile, it became like another chore on their farm.

See, Chips had a couple of close friends. Drinking buddies. Those drinking buddies happen to be gay, one of them is even transgender. His whole life he had been told that people like that were evil, that they were sinners. They were aggressive and hurt those around him. But he's never had better friends than them. He just couldn't understand why the nicest people he's ever met are being treated like they're demons. So, he's been standing up for them in church, going against the word of the father.

Ever since then, Chips has always had what his father refers to as 'outbursts'. Talking about how theres nothing wrong with changing your gender, or how people of same sexes should be able to date. Why should God decide how people spend their lives? Its their life! And for every single 'outburst', theres a punishment. The bandages around his hands and wrist could be used for evidence.

Chips shook his head, finishing off his cigaret. He still had the rest of today to relax. He could focus on all that later. He stood up, stomping the cigaret into the ground. He adjusted his hat, taking a deep breath. He walked back to the house, picking up the basket of eggs he had left on the porch. He stepped inside, carefully placing the basket onto the counter for his mother. His mother smiled at him, finishing up some sandwiches for lunch.

He began to walk down the hallway. He noticed his little sisters bedroom doors were still closed. He smirked, knowing he would have the chance to wake them. He banged on the doors at the same time, hearing groans from behind them.

"Time to get up! Mama's cookin' lunch already, lazy bones!" Chips spoke, laughing when his sister opened the door. Riley glared at him, flipping him off as she went into the bathroom. Marion stayed in her room, getting dressed. Chips sighed, heading to his room to wait. He sat on his bed, noticing a letter on his nightstand. When did that get there?

He carefully grabbed it, examining it. The usual postage and address wasn't on it. Just a simple 'Chips Bettigan' written on the back. He recognized the messy handwriting, smiling to himself. He ripped open the envelope, looking at the letter. A movie ticket fell into his lap. He read to himself out loud, being sure the others wouldn't be able to hear.

"Dear Chips, I managed to get ahold of two tickets for that new picture show. It looked like something you would enjoy from the ads I've been seeing around town. Meet me at the theatre at 1 pm if you can make it. From Smokey.." Chips finished reading the letter, now looking at the ticket. "Aw, shucks.. He really is too sweet for his own good. As long as Mama or Pa' don't send me out somewhere, I should be able to go with him."

Chips carefully re-packaged the letter into the envelope, placing it into his bedside table drawer with the others. He grabbed the ticket, fidgeting with it. He stood up, hearing his mother call for lunch. He went back into the kitchen, putting the ticket next to his seat. He helped his mom serve food to his little siblings before sitting down. His father sat at the head of the table, quietly eating.

"Chips." His father spoke. He had a rough voice, someone who wasn't used to it would certainly jump once hearing him speak. Chips looked up at his father. "Where did you find a ticket?"

"Oh! Smokey asked me if I wanted to tag along to a movie with him and his girlfriend. I gotta leave right after I finish if I wanna get there on time." Chips spoke. He hated lying to his father, but knew he had too. Wheezy didn't have a girlfriend, but they spend so much time together that his mother gets suspicious. They had to come up with something so she'd leave them alone.

"Hm..you really should try to find a partner. It's not good to be a third wheel." He critiqued. Chips sighed, knowing where this was headed. He held onto the ticket, tightly.

"They don't mind.. Wheeze wouldn't keep inviting me if he thought I was a third wheel. Anytime we hang out its like hanging out with three buddies." Chips muttered. He ate his sandwich, his sisters listening with interest. They were always so nosey. His father sighed, looking to his mother. She took the signal, continuing the conversation for him.

"Chippy, we just want you to be happy. You're always hanging out with that Cigaret and his girlfriend. You need more friends! And I'm not counting those sinners you insist on spending time with. You need to get yourself a girlfriend and get married. I understand that you are staying on the farm to help out with the chores and your sisters, but it wouldn't hurt to find a wife! You could even have kids!" Mrs.Bettigan insisted. Chips grumbled.

"I don't need a wife! I can take care of my siblings and chores by myself. Hell- if you want me to have kids, I'll adopt one and take care of em' too!" Chips complained, taking his dishes to the sink, cleaning them. "I can take care of myself. And there ain't nothing wrong with my friends! Quit calling them sinners!"

"Chips your being ridiculous! Women are meant to look after children, not men! And those friends of yours are leading you down the wrong path! Boys dating boys and girls dating girls.. Its disgraceful! I bet they don't even attend church!" His mother complained loudly. His sisters kept their heads down, deciding it would be better to tap out of this one.

"They go to church, they just date who they want to! Ma, it really ain't that big of a deal! People can live their lives how they want to, even if the church or you don't think its right. You just gotta respect people for who they are. They can't help that they like the same gender!" Chips spoke, taking his siblings dirty dishes as he cleaned them. His father stood up, placing a hand on his mothers shoulder. Mrs.Bettigan looked up at her husband, immediately shutting her mouth.

"I agree with Chips. Just because they have sinned doesn't mean they are bad folk. Just need some redirection. We gotta respect those for their decisions dear. Chips, have fun at the movies. Be back in time for dinner." His father spoke, smiling at his son.

"Thank you, Pa'." Chips spoke, immediately leaving their home. He began to walk down the path home, managing to calm himself on the way. Forget about what his parents said. He's gonna have a fun time with Wheezy if it kills him.

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