Movie Time

132 5 8

Word Count: 1514

Wheezy glared as he leaned against the theater wall. His fist tightened in his pocket, his grip on the ticket becoming uncomfortable. His frown grew as he watched the happy couples pass by. They held hands, laughed with each other, un afraid to show the world their affection for the other.

Wheezy felt jealousy begin to boil in his brain, wishing that he could do that. That there wasn't anyone they had to worry about seeing him and Chips. That he could just kiss him in the middle of the street and no one would say a word to either of them about it being 'wrong' or 'disgraceful'. He hated when others stared, especially when they whispered. Mainly because he knew how poorly it effected his partner.

Chips would always panic if someone caught them together. Especially if it was someone that knew who he was or knew his parents. Wheezy never said anything about it, but always knew he wouldn't be hearing from Chips for at least a week afterwards. He never found out why he disappeared. At least he'd get to see the same goofy smile afterwards.

His grip on the ticket became unbearable as the sharp edges began to poke and stab at his hand. He let go, taking a deep breath. He looked down as he felt two arms wrap around his stomach, holding onto him tightly. He was relieved as he saw Chips looking up at him, a goofy smile visible on his face. He immediately relaxed, gently patting his back with his hand.

"Heya partner! Sorry if I'ma bit late! You know how Ma' gets.." Chips spoke in a heavy country accent, compared to Wheezys proper French one. "But hey- I'm here now! How are you doin'?"

"Fine as ever, Chippy. Is it just me or do I smell cigarettes?" Wheezy joked, causing Chips to pull back with a giggle.

"You always smell like cigarettes! Why do you think I call ya Smokey?" Wheezy laughed along with him, getting off of the wall. Chips followed him as they walked inside the theater.

"So that's where that nickname came from. I guess I don't have to explain mine, the reasons are pretty obvious. Don't even your sisters call you 'Chippy'?" Wheezy asked, handing his ticket to the employee. Chips did the same, following him to the seats.

"Yep! My whole family does, actually.. your the only one of my friends who call me that though. Rest of em' just call me by my last name." They sat down in one of the first few rows. "What's this movie about anyways?"

"Oh you know, the usual stuff you watch. Cowboys, horses, guns.. gore." Wheezy spoke, smirking.

"Gore?! I didn't know there was a new horror movie comin' out!" Chips said, excitement becoming clear on his face.

"Well you don't really have a way to find out. You're always working long hours on that farm.." He said, a bit of resentment in his voice. It didn't go unnoticed by his partner.

"Aw jeeze..wheeze, you know I can't help it. Papas gotta have someone helping him out with chores, he ain't gettin' any younger. And my sisters always sleep in too much to get any of the morning ones done, but they're still so young-" He began to ramble, almost forgetting his partner.

"Chips. It's okay, I understand." He spoke quickly, cutting him off. Chips looked unsure, regret having already filled his brain.

"You sure? I know we don't get to hang out too much, but.." He sighed, looking away.

"I know you can't help it. You just want to help out your family as much as you can.. and I know how you feel about your little sisters working long hours at this age. You just want them to have a childhood." He grabbed his hand, holding it carefully. Chips felt warmth began to grow on his cheeks. "It's cute that you care so much about them."

Chips leaned into his partner, resting on his arm as he gripped his hand back. His hands were always so warm. Then again, he was a cigarette. Chips sighed, his brain finally relaxing. Wheezy was there, that's all that mattered.

"You're too sweet.. thank you." Chips spoke, momentarily closing his eyes. Wheezy smiled, knowing his partner was at ease. It wasn't often the cowboy got to relax, but he was so glad he did. Wheezy was sure to look around, happy to know that no body else was seeing this movie.

People in their area didn't really like horror movies. They mainly watched comedies or classic western films with action. Watching people getting shredded to bits and organs flying across the screen doesn't exactly get too many fans around here. It's one of the things that sets Chips apart from the rest of the place. Wheezy loved that about him.

Luckily, Wheezy had convinced the theater to play this movie just for today. Just for them..of course he had to agree that anyone else was welcome to watch with them, but he had a feeling nobody else would show. Turns out he was correct in his assumption.

He gently nudged Chips as the movie began, signaling him to open his eyes. They snuggled close to one another as the movie played, laughing at the cheesy jump scares. They had a wonderful time, walking back to the farm afterwards. They hid behind the barn, having a short amount of time before Chips had to go back inside. Chips wrapped his arms around Wheezys body, tightly holding onto him.

"You always get so affectionate.." Wheezy complained. Chips laughed at that.

"So what if I do? I never get to see you Smokey.. And I can't hang out with you tomorrow either- it's Sunday. Ma' n' Papa would start a massive fight if I didn't go to church with them." Wheezy sighed, rubbing his back.

"I wish you could runaway with me." He spoke, thinking out loud. Chips thoughts stoped in their tracks, pulling slightly away from the cigarette.

"What do you mean runaway?"

"Then we could live together.. we could go somewhere where people won't judge you for loving me or holding my hand. I could kiss you as much as I'd like and nobody would say shit." Wheezy spoke, carefully moving his hand to hold his partners cheek. Chips stared, considering his words and their predicament. Wheezy continued, unaware that he was being taken seriously. "We could get a house together, maybe adopt a pet.. and you could finally relax. No more being overworked on the farm everyday.."

"That all sounds amazing..where would we run off to anyways?" Chips sighed, realizing that his plan might be faulty. "We don't exactly have a lot of money to pay for anythin' too fancy. I'm a farmhand, you work in that old bar.."

"We could stay with an old friend of mine for awhile until we can get on our own feet. He lives in the Inkwell Isles." Wheezy explained.

"They don't judge anyone for who they are out there.. Hell, demons run around and are considered normal citizens. There's really no trouble over there..just..calm, accepting people." Wheezy thought back, remembering the few years he stayed at the Isles. Chips leaned into him, fascinated by just the thought of such a place.

"They wouldn't judge us for dating..?" He asked.

"Definitely not! Pride flags are all over the place, they even have parades to celebrate people who are LGBTQ+." His head rested against the barn door, smiling at his partner. Chips had stars in his eyes, amazed that such a place even existed.

"Wow..I'd runaway with you tomorrow if it meant I'd get to live with you there.." He thought out loud, smiling. Wheezy leaned a bit closer.

"Then do it..what's stopping us? Your sisters will be fine, they can handle themselves. And who cares about your parents? I'd be with you..that's all that matters." Wheezy encouraged, gently placing a kiss on his lips. Chips melted, smiling as they pulled away. "As long as we're together, the world is ours Chippy."

"Did you mean it? The whole runnin' away with me thing?" Wheezy nodded in confirmation. "I'd honestly love too but it's-.. Thats a big decision Wheeze- I'd need to think about doing anything like that for awhile. I'd wanna make sure that my sisters would be alright on their own."

"Perfectly understandable. Take your time, dear.." The cowboy sighed in relief, knowing that he wouldn't be pushed to make a decision that quickly. He looked up at the sky, seeing bright stars. His anxiety spiked as he stumbled back and away from his partner.

"Shit! I said I'd be back in time for supper- I gotta go! Bye Wheezy! I'll talk to you later!" Bettigan yelled as he rushed off to his family's home. The cigarette sighed, his partner gone far too soon. He took off, beginning the long walk back into town. Tomorrows another day..maybe if he's lucky he can catch Chips after church.

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