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"Two weeks? Damn it.." Chips muttered to himself over the phone. Wheezy had called him a few minutes ago to deliver the bad news. His land lord refused to allow him to leave without notice.

"Look, maybe this is a good thing." Wheezy tried bringing up his spirits. Chips had already packed a suitcase with everything he would need. He was really looking forward to leaving. Wheezy knew that.

A good thing..? Wheeze, thats two more weeks I have to deal with Ma'. You know she's getting suspicious. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up for that long.." Chips sat on a hay bale, tired. He just wanted to get out of here and away from it all. How could he wait any longer?

"It gives you a chance to say goodbye to your sisters. Or maybe try to communicate with your dad better? I know you don't have the best relationship with him. You could try to end things on a good note!" Wheezy tried. He knew what running away from home was like. He didn't exactly leave on the best terms with his parents, and would always regret that. He didn't want Chips to have the same regrets.

"I'm..I'm not sure about that Smokey." Chips spoke. "He's not much of a talker. I don't think that he would really want about things, y'know?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Wheezy was grasping at strings here. They could both clearly see that Chips went silent on the other line. "At least we'll be able to keep seeing each other. We could make a plan on places we want to visit!"

"Heh, yeah we can.. That sounds really nice." He smiled to himself.

"I have to go to work. I love you Chippy, hang in there for me." He spoke softly, kindness clear in his voice.

"Love you too Smokey."

Chip glared at his pate, poking the food with his fork. His mother droned on with another one of her rambles about the church. His sisters talked about a kid they had recently met, more so about how they wanted to hang out with her. Mr.Bettigan diligently listened, managing to keep up with both conversations at once.

Chip sighed, forcing down the food on his plate despite not being hungry. Their leave had been delayed because of Wheezy's landlord. Wheezy saw it as an opportunity for Chips to say goodbye, Chip saw it as an annoyance. He wanted to be able to leave as soon as possible without having time to consider or think back. Now he had to.

He spent that time teaching his sisters how to take care of the farm. Feeding animals, watering crops, how to fix tools, every job that Chip currently did. He didn't want to put the responsibility of the farm onto his siblings, but they had each other. It would get easier as they got older. At least they won't be alone. He had also been spending time with his father. A small amount at that, but more than usual. Chips knew he most likely wouldn't see him again, so he took Wheezys advice and tried to talk to him.

He knew that Chips was leaving with Wheezy. He hadn't said much when he told him. Only to be careful and that he loved him. It was more than he had ever said directly to him.

Mrs.Bettigan on the other hand hadn't been getting any of his free time. She would constantly yell and fuss at Chip, as she thought he was hiding something. She saw this as good clause to look through his room. She, unfortunately, found his packed suitcase. She tried taking him to church extra days, she tried praying, and even the priest got involved in extra discipline. Unfortunately for her, it only helped convince him of his choice to leave.

Chips gently placed his fork on his plate, finished with his food. Tonight was the night. He was leaving, and never coming back. His father nodded towards him, excusing him from the table. Chips grabbed his dishes, taking them to the sink and cleaning them. Afterwards, he went to his bedroom.

Chips pulled out his suitcase, placing it on the bed. He opened it, making sure that everything was there. Clothing, family picture, gun, highschool diploma, and wallet. He closed it again. He wouldn't need hygiene products, there would be plenty of that on the train. Surely they wouldn't mind if he swiped a few things.

He pulled on his coat, grabbing his suitcase. He looked at his pillow, seeing a note for his sisters explaining himself. That he was leaving home to get away from the church and to stay with his boyfriend, Wheezy. He was sure they would find it soon after he left, whether it be immediately or in the morning. He wasn't sure how the conversation would go with his mother present, so he wanted to have a proper and calm explanation.

He took in a deep breath. It was time. He stepped out into the hall, looking at the house he grew up in for the last time. His mother shot out of her seat, stomping over to him. He continued to walk past her, ignoring her yelling as he hugged his sisters. He muttered a small 'i love you' to each of them. His father stood next to his mother, silently watching it all fall down. He finally looked at her.

"-and whats with that suitcase? You're insane if you think you'll be leaving this house! You don't have a wife or even a girlfriend to leave with!" She continued to ramble. Chips thought it was one of her favorite things to do.

"I know you won't like it, but I have a boyfriend. I started dating Wheezy a couple of months ago." Chips spoke. His mothers face turned from angry to horrified. He continued. "We're leaving town tonight. Gonna go east and see if we can get out of the US. He told me about an island called Inkwell, if we can, we'll move there."

"Have you gone mad? Going east- what's the matter with you! And a boyfriend- I knew that Wheezy was trouble, I told you dammit! He's nothing but a dirty sinner and now you are too. If you had only listened to the father than none of this would have happened." Mrs.Bettigan screamed at him. Chips stared at the floor, biting his tongue. His father stayed quiet. "If you leave now, you're never coming back! I won't let you! And if you stay, we're taking a trip straight to church in the morning! You are lucky the father is forgiving, otherwise I think you'd be doomed to be a sinner for the rest of your-"

"I'm not going back to that church. And I'm not going to talk to that fucking priest!" It was his turn to yell, tears forming in his eyes. "Wheezy ain't a sinner! He's one of the best things that's ever happened to me! I don't care if I'll be damned to hell, I love him! And nothing you say is gonna make me leave him!"

He took deep breaths as he finally realized what he had said to his mother. Not only did he curse, he insulted her entire religion. She glared daggers at her son. His father was expressionless. "I-...Goodbye mom. Goodbye Dad."

Chips left the house, panicking. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes as he started to run. He ran down the gravel path passing by the orchard and animals. "I fucked up- and I fucked up bad! God- she's gonna kill me!"

Chips rushed through town, trying to get to the train station. He pushed past several others, ignoring their cries of frustration. He panted as he made it, finally stopping. He took a moment to calm himself down. "You ain't gonna get hurt.. you're leaving, remember? She can't..shit, how fast was I running?"

Chips finally looked around him. A few people were staring, but for the most part the space was bare besides a few employees. Wheezy was supposed to have bought his ticket. Speaking of which, he didn't see. Chips felt nerves build in his chest. What if he was lying? What if he didn't actually want this and was just messing with him? All those nerves spiked as he felt two thick arms wrap around his waist.

He turned around, instantly relaxing when he saw the cigar. He put a hand on his cheek, pulling him close for a kiss. He hummed into it, kissing back. "I got worried you weren't here.."

"Of course I am. I wouldn't just leave you like that! We're getting out of here, I promised you Chip." Chips chuckled as he was squished into a hug. He was smiling wide.

"Good. Cause after what I just said to my Ma', I don't think she would have let me come back inside." Chips joked. Wheezy rolled his eyes.

"What the hell did you do this time?" He asked, exhausted with his partner. His face caused the cowboy to laugh even harder.

"Don't worry about it?" The train pulled up to the station, announcing itself with a whistle blow. Chips excitedly picked up his suitcase, taking Wheezys hand. They went onto the train, starting their adventure far away from this place.

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