Chapter 1 - Good to be home.. or not

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I soon was back in New York with my family again, after being away for a year it was good to be back. I walked straight into the dorms and knocked on my sister's door.

Sam opened it and she looked sweaty she seemed in thought before realizing it was me, "y/n..?" She releases her breath and hugs me tight.

"I've missed you little sis" I smile and hug her back, it was like we haven't seen each other in ages. I look into the room for a second and I couldn't see Tara.

I release the hug, "where's Tara?" I question and Sam's reaction comes back.

"She's at a fucking party" she grabs her keys and I roll my eyes at her stupidity, how could she go and be unarmed...

I follow Sam to her car and she raises a brow, "if you think you're going without me you're psycho" I laugh at my joke and she signs.

We both drive 5 minutes away from the party and as we get in I see it's a costume party, Sam stomps out of the car and I follow behind her.

"You should've told me it was a costume party! Would've wore my slutty one.." I looked down sadly and Sam rolled her eyes.

I tried to make her happy since I was what people said about her.. they were cruel.

Everyone thought she was a murderer which ticked me off, I got hate of course too but I shut it down and people just stopped bothering me.

As soon as we got into the party everyone was either drunk or getting laid, it was quite sad really. Yes I was a virgin but it's still disgusting to me, I just don't see how people give their wants to a person.

Anyways, I and Sam look around until I spot Chad and I think his roommate. Chad mentioned him a few times but I was always too busy to answer his calls.

I walk up to him and wave, he looks straight at me and hugs me.

"Y/n! You're finally back" he releases the hug and hits me playfully, "but you didn't answer my calls stupid"

I chuckled, "I know, I know, I'm sorry I was just busy with school there" he smiles, and I enjoyed chatting with Chad again, I missed him. "How has the FBI been?" He asked.

"Well, I know how to do a black widow move so I would say it's going great" I joked and he chuckled. His roommate next to him looked awkward and out of place.

Chad turned towards him and slapped his back, Ethan jolted up and looked at Chad.

"Ah, y/n this is Ethan, my roommate" Ethan looks at me and I raise a brow.

"So you're the innocent one I was told about" I joked and his reaction changed into a pissed-off one.

I thought about what I said and realized it was a little mean, "uh, sorry it was a" he raised his hand to his chest.

"Ouch, that really hurt my feelings" He mocked me and pretended to be hurt, wow okay.. great first impression y/n.

I huffed, "I was gonna apologize but never mind" I wouldn't take shit from men, especially asshole men.

Ethan shook his head and crossed his arms, "whatever.."

He scoffed and that's when I realized Chad was gone, I stared at Ethan and we both glared at each other. I literally just met this guy and he already took me the wrong way! I didn't even mean to be rude, that's just what Chad told me!

I looked him up and down, "why are you looking at me like that?" I debated on saying something nice or mean.

"Your costume looks like Shrek's shed" I pointed and he looked at me with an expression I couldn't explain. I gave him the same look and that's when we both heard ruff fighting.

Ethan quickly ran and pushed me on the floor, "hey asshole! I screamed. I dusted myself off and ran after Ethan.

When I got there Chad and some dude were fighting, Tara looked shocked and everyone was either cheering or laughing.

I saw Sam come into view, "yeah, yeah sorry to interrupt but I'm just gonna tase you in the balls real quick" Sam held her taser and did exactly what she said, the guy started to scream and curse.

"Sam are you fucking kidding me you're stalking me now!" Tara looked embarrassed and quickly left.

Everyone started to record and I yelled for us to leave and get some air, as we left people were still recording but I didn't care.

Tara started to walk away and Sam was following, the whole gang was shortly a few steps away but I knew to keep my distance between my sisters.

"Tara!" Sam called out shortly behind, Tara kept walking as Sam called out her name again, "I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!" Tara yelled behind.

"That guy was a dick, he was going to take advantage of you" Sam replied, and I finally stepped in.

"Wait what?" Tara glares at me and then looks back at Sam. I raise my hands in defense and step back to listen what my sister had to say..

So?" Tara yelled, Sam had tears in her eyes and everyone went quiet, "if I wanted to hook up with an asshole that's my decision!"

I blanked out for a second, I saw Ethan staring at me, bro was just full-on looking at me. I turn my head and stared back at him, he quickly looked away.

"Yeah look away" I cross my arms and he just clears his thoughts, I heard him muttering something but I couldn't hear him.

I turn towards him again, "what was that?" He looks at me and smirks, I hate to say it but this guy was pretty good-looking.. but that was beside the point.

This boy was obviously not 'innocent' he was just a dickhead. He's a fake ass person and I guess I'm the only one who sees it, and if he wants to try and play with me I fucking playback.

"You heard me" He gets closer to me and I back up, I look him up and down.

I laughed, "no I'm not sure I did tough guy" he stares at me with his eyes and had an expression I couldn't explain.

But his eyes were filled with bitter.



YALL 2K reads?? This is crazy

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