Chapter 11 - which side

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My whole head was spinning I felt Sam hold onto me and hug me tight. It couldn't be true, Sidney only had three kids! Billy and she couldn't have had me.. how did I even survive.

My father had to be lying.. it was his foolish ways of trying to turn me against Sidney. Sam called my name repeatedly but I didn't listen. Thoughts were spinning around my head and I was filled with sadness and rage.

How could she leave me? Was I really a Prescott or a Loomis? I had so many questions in my head that I had to find Gale.

Kirby and Mindy were missing and Sam was walking right behind me. I saw gale at the front desk and I pointed at her. "Did you know!" I screamed. Gale stepped back in shock.

She hunched, "y/n? What's wrong?" She paused, steamy tears were leaving my eyes. "What are you talking about" she questions.

I cried more and Sam looked at Gale with fear, "did you know Sidney was my mother?" I faced her waiting for an answer. Her face went from shock to fear.

She paused and her eyes traveled to Sam, "Gale please fucking answer me!" I yelled and Gale closed her eyes.

"I did know she had a child, but I was told to keep it a secret." I looked down, "but I didn't know it was you.. now I see why you have her facial features" Gale said.

I looked down, "why did she give me up?" Sam held my shoulder and Gale looked at me in guilt. "She didn't know what to do y/n.. she was young and having a child with billy.. she freaked out" Gale explained.

I remembered when she first saw me a year ago, she was so kind to me and treated me like a mother.. I didn't even realize we somehow looked the same.

"I can tell you y/n, she loves you so much" I looked up, "she always talked about her child, even a year ago she talked about well.. you" I sniffed and wiped my tears.

Gale signed, "I just never knew she was talking about you.. but she truly did love you" I smiled softly and Gale hugged me.

"She would be so proud of you" she whispered and I laughed. "I'm gonna get some fresh air" I sniffed and wiped my nose.

Sam nodded and I left, I went back with the Ghostface costumes and went straight for my father's. I put my hand on the glass and I felt a familiar presence.

"You weren't lying.." I signed and I heard a chuckle. "I'm your father, I'm always right" I paused and he cleared his throat.

"Am I a Loomis or a Prescott..." I questioned and he smirked.

"That's for you to decide, but y/n you could be so much! Get this team Loomis, with me. Sounds better than a fucking Prescott" he said.

I thought about why he wanted to kill Sidney and I never knew the true story, Sidney never really answered questions back then.. it was really a mystery.

I looked up, "do you still watch her?" Billy raised a brow and finally caught on to what I said. He stopped for a moment. "Sometimes" he answered and I nodded.

I felt like someone was in the room with me but ignored it. I left to turn away before hearing one last thing from him, "think about what side you're on y/n." Then he vanished.

Tara called my name and I ran towards her, "y/n.. we have a plan and we might need you in it too" I nod and Kirby waved at us to go.

We get to the park and Tara explained their plan to me, it was honestly a smart one. Maybe this time we could our smart Ghostface.

I, Tara, and Sam walk in the park as bait, "you both should have stayed with the others" Sam looked around and Tara signed.

"It's not gonna happen" Tara replied and I agreed, as we walked kids were laughing and playing while teenagers were playing football, it was a beautiful day today.

Sam groaned, "there's no point in all of us putting ourselves at risk" I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"No" I replied and Sam looked at me, "we're the backup" Tara smirked and Sam rolled her eyes. That's when I spotted Bailey in a bush, I tried to constrain my laughter but it was funny.

Tara punched me and I stopped. "Hey, Sam.. stay frosty out there okay?" Kirby asked and Sam nodded. "We're good" she responded.

We kept walking in a circle until Sam's phone rang, "maybe it's our father" I joked at Sam and Tara hit me again. "Ow!" I held my arm.

Sam picked it up and looked around, "you're gonna die you know?" Tara looked straight at Sam and I did the same trying to hear.

"No, you're gonna die, Samantha.. choking on your own blood while I hack up both of your sisters.. especially the Prescott" Sam paused at the last sentence and looked at me.

I shrugged since I couldn't hear but she had fear in her eyes, "unless we find you first" she replied. We kept walking and I was looking for anyone who had a phone call.

"for a mastermind, you're not very bright waiting for me to call desperately hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me" he paused, "but I'm not nearby I'm a step ahead be seeing you, Samantha.." Bailey stood up and Ghostface hung up the call.

"What did he say?" I asked and Sam signed but smiled softly, "nothing about you don't worry" I felt relief and Bailey soon walked up to us.

"Did you get it?" Sam asked Kirby and a 'yep' was filled on the other line. "he's on the Upper West Side.. he's inside the apartment building halfway across the city.." Kirby finished.

Tara looked at us in fear, "on west 96?" She ales and Kirby responded, "how did you know that?" That address seemed familiar and that's when I realized

That was Gales's apartment.

We start to quickly run and I remember Kirby and them, "I gotta go get Kirby!" Sam nodded while she and Tara went the other way.

I ran to the van and opened it, Mindy and Chad screamed in surprise and I was freaking out. Kirby looked at me and raised a brow. "Y/n? What's going on?" She asked.

"That's Gales's apartment!" I quickly got out and my breathing escalated. Ethan got out after me and held my shoulders.

"Y/n!" I was still breathing heavily, "y/n please!" He repeated.

That's when he grabbed my waist and pulled me in and his lips touched mine.

Suddenly everything around me didn't matter, my breathing finally went to normal and all I could feel was his lips. God, he was such a good kisser, especially for a guy who never 'kissed' anyone.

His lips was intoxicating and this smell, god it made me go viral.. his hands were on my waist and my arms were around his neck. He backed up and signed after a second of kissing, "are you okay now? I didn't know what to calm you down with so.. I fired that would shut you up" he laughed at his own joke and I looked away in embarrassment.

He grabbed my face and smirked, "for someone who hates me I've never seen you do that before" Mindy cleared her throat and we both jumped.

"Get a room.." she groaned and Chad chuckled. Kirby beeped the van and we got back in, "c'mon ill drive us there!" She yelled.

I sat beside Ethan in the van and laid on his shoulder, I knew we weren't safe but with him..

I felt safe.


5k reads are so crazy 😭✋ I'm sorry there hasn't been much interaction with Ethan and y/n but the plot goes so fast! But I hope you guys are having a good day/night 💓

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