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Now that I have your attention, My English teacher has told our class that we will need to be writing a story for, well, English. Now, this story could be about anything, it just has to have a survival aspect to it. Since that roughly coincides with where I wanted to go I've taken this opportunity to re-write a few chapters and just clean up here and there so when I am supposed to I will be able to write some of this story in class... the downside is I now have to negotiate with my teacher to accept a story that is already approximately 12 000 (Including what I have written on chapter 9) when I am only just getting into the meat of the story (and the 'survival' aspect).


I may re-make this story in the near future, if I do I'll give plenty of warning before I delete this story and only continue on with the 're-made' version, it'll  probably have the same name and everything, chapters mostly the same just a cleaner and nicer look to it, I'll update you guys later.

Teaser because I'm mean and wont update for a while...

"What are you?" The words just kind of fell out of my mouth, and I could tell he didn't expect it. "Um, Uhh, what do you mean?" He kinda looked at me strangely and waited for a response. "I mean, what are you, your obviously not Ninjin like me." "I'm... Do you mean human?"

Folvos is out and meeting new people ;P

Important Read Desc. A Furry's Dream.Where stories live. Discover now