Dear Agony

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Claude was is a 66 year old, retired judge who is plagued by intense guilt. He was a corrupt judge who let his hate cloud his rulings versus the justice which was never rightfully served. He has sentenced many innocent people to be thrown in prison to be dealt with harshly or in some cases death. However, a little voice pricked his conscience that told him that what he had done was wrong. As a result, most of those who were put on death row got changed to life in prison.

Claude had a rather traumatic childhood.


He lived as a pheasant in the poorer part of Paris France. His parents did their best to provide for their two children and made sure they never went without, even if it meant they had to sacrifice a meal or two for themselves. His younger brother Clement had always looked up to him. They were inseparable. Little did they know a great tragedy would befall them.

One day a band of criminals mostly robbers, and pirates attacked the village where Claude and his family lived. Chaos broke out. Shouts and screams erupted from families trying to get away. The boys parents had yanked them up and told them to go run and hide. The robbers carried torches with them, and began setting straw houses on fire, running in and plundering whatever they could find. Amidst the panicked crowd Claude, lost site of his parents and his younger brother.

"MOTHER! FATHER! CLEMENT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The smoke was getting thicker and the more Claude cried out the more black soot entered his lungs, making his throat burn as he coughed. Then he heard a familiar voice, it was his younger brother Clement wailing with his eyes full of fear and tears.The colour drained from Claude's face turning him as white as chalk. He could see bright red blood leaking from a gash on his brother's head making his light brown bangs wet and sticky. His parents were slumped on top of him, protecting them with their bodies. He could see what looked like stab wounds on their bodies. He saw his mother reach up and touch the side of Clement's face and whisper something in his ear, then her hand dropped back to the ground, resting still at her side.

Temporarily paralyzed by fear, all Claude could do was stare at the sight playing out before him. There, towering above his little brother and his parent's bodies was burly pirate with a moon shaped scar that curved around his left eye. Held high above his head, was a curved sword. It gleamed in the light of the fire. He knew what was coming. Snapped out of his paralysis Claude launched forward to get the pirate away from his brother. But as soon his he grabbed hold of the pirate he was violently slammed back crashing to the ground.

"Out of my way boy!" The pirate yelled in a gruff voice. Claude let out a strangled scream as the sword came down toward his brother.

After the gruesome act...the pirate turned around causally brushing past Claude but not without giving him a hard kick that sent him sprawling across the ground. As he struggled up on to his hands and knees, his breath came in ragged gasp. As he coughed up some blood, his eyes were wide with shock. Tears spilled down his chin and dripped onto the ground. All Claude could do was sob so intensely that his body gave violent shudders.


Shortly after the attack on the village, Claude was found lying on the ground. A rather wealthy couple had sent a small army to do away with the criminals. Dragging them off to prison and killed the ones that gave a struggle. The couple had taken Claude in, but they barely paid attention to him. He simply was just another body occupying one room of the massive house. Though he had enough food, clothing, and shelter he wasn't happy. All he could do as cry as the image of his family being slaughtered continued to play over and over in his mind. He vowed from that day on he would become a judge, and see to it that no criminal would ever get mercy no matter what.

However, little did he know that he would meet someone that would change his life who has also had her share of trauma as well.

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