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It's 9:20 and the music interlude begins to play, encouraging everyone to head back to their seats to enjoy the Special Day Assembly. The theme is, "Are You Ready For The Things Ahead?" Claude upon heading to his seat, looks around at everything going on around him. Brothers and sisters hugging, laughing, and having a good time. Everyone looks so happy. Sometimes I still have a hard time believing...that I can be happy too. Suddenly Claude hears a familiar voice. It's high and joyful.

Sure enough little Mattimeo comes bounding down the isle. His parents, Jack and Rebekah Mortemer not far behind him.

"Broder Frollo, Broder Frollo! You are getting baptized today! Yay!" Claude looks down at his feet feeling shy.

"Haha guess I am. You want to know a secret?" Claude puts his hand up to the side of his mouth and whispers. "I'm a little bit scared."

Mattimeo's light brown eyes go wide. "Really? But you're a grown up and grown ups don't get scared.

Claude laughs. "Well this grown up right here," he points at himself. "Is scared."

"Mattimeo sweetie, come on, we have to go to our seats." Calls Rebekah.

"Okay mommy! I have to go now, but don't worry just look at me when you go into the pool and it won't be so scary."

That kid is really something. He thinks to himself, as Mattimeo grabs his mother's hand and follows her to their seats. And he called me brother Frollo. I'll have to get used to that.

"Claude! There you are!" Striding toward him is his bible teacher Liam Bucksaplenty-Finch. Liam was the one who had visited Claude 9 months ago. At first it didn't go well, but soon enough Liam's kind and care free personality got the best of Claude and now he is one of his closest friends. Lightly slapping Claude on the back, he say, "So you ready for the big day? Don't forget, I'll be right there in the front to take your picture. We have to make this day special!"

Oh great I hate having my picture taken. Claude whines inwardly.

This is so exciting! Okay, remember you are going to have to sit in the front row for the first half then after your baptism and lunch, when the second half starts, you can come sit with me and Lauren."

"You'll have to excuse Liam, you are his first bible student...and one that has made it to baptism. So he is a little excited if you can't already tell." Chuckled Lauren.

"Oh yes, that's Liam, he was never afraid to show his excitement." Said Claude with a smirk.

The brother on the platform makes an announcement stating that all should find their seats and enjoy the musical presentation.

"That's our cue. Liam let's go."

"Okay hon. Alright Claude try not to be nervous." Liam winks and hurries after his wife.

Easier said than done. He thinks to himself. Finding his way to the front row he sits three chairs down from friendly man, known as Henrik, who smiles at him and says, "Guess your getting baptized today too, huh?" Claude nods.

"That's awesome."

As Claude waits for the music to starts he surveys the crowd. Suddenly he spots something that catches him off guard. It's the woman from the library! When Claude had gone to return a damaged book to the library, the woman who had helped him had reminded him so much of Ica. That it had temporarily made him lose his nerve. This time, the woman was assisting an elderly woman maybe about in her 80s, to sit down in one of the rows. Helping her was another woman who Claude assumed could possibly be her sister. ‟Well isn't that something." Claude said to himself.

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