Will You Mary Me?

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It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and Claude is besides himself with pure joy. Rodney, Ica's father has just given him his blessing to have her hand in marriage. Immediately after he gets home he lets everyone know the good news. Now, he has to figure out a plan on how he's going to propose to her. He calls a meeting with Patricia, Jo, Kalista, Liam, and Morgana, to go over ideas and get advice.

"Okay...so I have no clue where to begin with this. I want everything to be PERFECT. But what if she thinks it's weird, or I'm crazy, or... or...what if she says NO!" Claude cried, getting hysterical.

"Woah calm down there buddy." Liam said, waving his hands in a calming manner. "Take some deep breaths and everything will be fine. Now, let's start off with this. Where do you want to propose to her?"

"We'll." Claude ponders for a minute. "I did have one thing in mind. I was thinking of taking her stargazing. On a boat on the Amazing River."

Patricia chimes in. "What kind of boat? Ica has this love hate relationships with boats. She loves the Titanic and she has seen the movie Poseidon, which at one point the girl was obsessed with the thing turning over, but those are forms of cruise ships. She said she would never get on one. So as long as it's not a "cruise" ship, I think it should be fine."

"I was actually just thinking of a boat like ...Liam! Do you think your uncle would let us take his boat for a trip down the river?" Claude asked hopeful. Liam taps his chin.

"Sure why not! I'll ask him but I don't think he'll mind. Alright good. So we have that part down. Now, the next part is how do you want to propose to her?"

"Um well, I have been racking my brain about that. I mean, I don't even know what to say when I ask her. I just want this to be special, he said. Morgana looks at Claude with soft eyes.

"Claude, all you have to do is speak from your heart. Ica loves you, and no matter what you say, it will be special to her." Nodding his head, he agrees.

"Yeah I guess you're right.

"So who do you want to be there?" Asked Kalista.

"Well all of you guys, of course?" Said Claude smiling. "And maybe little Mattimeo and his family, Eliza, since she chaperoned some of our dates. I mean not too big I guess. Liam maybe you can casually invite everyone on the boat and say we're just having a little "gathering." Liam nods his head.

"Yeah, that could work."

"Are we dressing up?" Jo asked.

"No, Ica's not one for dressing up, plus she might think something's up. I want it to be a surprise. She is and observant cookie." He said, smiling to himself.

"Don't you mean smart cookie?" Kalista corrected him.

"No I mean observant cookie like I said. She was telling me when she walked by me that day at the park, that she saw something in my eyes. Sadness and pain, that it made her want to take care of me. Back in Paris, everyone hated me. Rightly so...I destroyed families. In fact...I wasn't any better than the pirate that destroyed my family." Claude grits his teeth and clenches his fist. "But Ica...she showed me so much kindness and continued to after she found out what I did. I wish... I just would have just told her that day...instead of leaving."

"Claude remember what I just told you..." Morgana said in her soft spoken voice. "Ica loves you no matter what. Stop beating yourself up. Also remember that Jehovah has forgiven you as well. He gives her a small smile.

"Alright." Claude said putting his hands together. "Let's see, I have the place, I'll get telescopes for the star gazing, I'll speak from my heart...and the ring. THE RING! I FORGOT ABOUT THE RING!"

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