Walk With Me

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About a month goes by since Ica's latest episode. She has started a new medication with a new psychiatrist which seems to be helping. She's apologised to those she had attacked verbally and emotionally. She still has her down days but is hopeful about getting better and on track. She decides to take advantage of the sunny weather and go for a walk in her favourite spot. Mercury Park. She starts up the Pandora app on her phone and the melody of "In Your Garden" by Frigga fills her ears. A slight smile creeps upon her face. Feeling upbeat she begins to add a little pep to her step.

As she bops along to the music, she sees the same man with the downcast eyes, walking toward her that she saw a month ago, around the time of her episode. But this time he's wearing a large triangle hat. Her heart lurched as he gets closer to her. Why am I getting so nervous. She thinks to herself. When he is only a few feet away from her, without thinking she says, "Hi! I saw you walking last time. Do you like this park?" The hills here are so green, it reminds me of Green Hills Zone in Sonic the...she trails off. Dumb! Why did I just say that! Stupid idget! She looks down at her feet embarrassed. The man looks at her surprised, but he has an amused look on his face.

When he spoke, Ica could detect a slight French accent. "I do like this trail." He said with a slight smile. "I come here to think a lot and clear my head." He said taking off his hat. "It's the only thing that seems to... he pauses and his eyes darken a little bit. Not with cruelty but with deep agony. Trying to sound a little more positive, he finishes, "It's the only thing that puts me in a good head space." He said tilting his head and smiling.

"That's what I do too. When I saw you that time, I was actually clearing my mind as well...except...it didn't help. Well actually it did help a little." She added quickly, not wanting to sound like a Debbie downer.

"You know, sometimes walks don't always help me, so you don't have to be ashamed to admit that." He said, bending down too look at her. Suddenly flustered Ica looks away, cheeks red even through her brown skin.

"Well, I guess you're right." She said, trying to shake off the last bit of her embarrassment. "Hey, by the way, I never got your name. What is it?" She asked.

"My name is Claude, Claude Frollo."

"Frollo...she ponders it in her mind for a couple of seconds. I like the way that sounds. It's fun to say."

Claude chuckles. "Well I guess I should feel flattered. And may I ask, what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Ica McCmoté." She squeaked out.

"Hmm well, I think I like your last name as well. It's fun to say too. But I won't keep you, I'm sure you want to get back to your walk." Ica can't help but feel a little bit disappointed. She had taking a liking to Claude and didn't really want their conversation to end. He gives her a warm smile, "I'm glad I got to meet you today, Ica McCmoté." He said. "Since you like this park, I'll probably see you again." As he turns and walks away she calls out to him.

"Claude?" He looks over his shoulder, a curious look on his face. "Would you like to walk with me? Uh, but you don't have to! I know you probably are busy and have stuff to do." She adds quickly. He tilts his head, thin bangs swishing to one side. He looks surprised and almost shocked. But then a soft smile creeps across his thin face.

"Of course, I would be honoured to walk with you." And with that, he puts his hat back on and follows after her.

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