Standing firm

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This book is the third in the Major Players series that was on my old account. We will continue the Fraser/Taylor saga here for all my diehard Fraser/Taylor followers. 😀

How is she doing?.."

The doctor looked at Charisma. "She is still on suicide watch.. but she will recover from this.. we want to keep her for a further couple of days, then she should be free to leave..."

Charisma nodded. "Okay, well.. I have up-weighted security around the outside as well as inside. You also have a list of who should be visiting.. if any one else shows up then you need to alert me or Keegan straight away.."

"All understood Mrs Fraser.." he said and walked off.

Charisma went back into the room she looked at Zara. "How are you feeling?."

"Like I don't understand why you just didn't let me die!." She said, angrily.

"Because I am not going to let that happen am I... I care about you even if you think I don't... you are my niece.. all you need to do is better understand your gift and stay away from your father which are all things that I can help you with." She told her.

Zara was not happy with this situation she's just wanted to be alone or not here, she hoped that she could slip away peacefully, but Charisma had arrived at the hospital at the exact moment that she took her life. That was 2 weeks ago.
Charisma now had her separated from everyone, Nash didn't know where she was either, it was to limit who could get a hold of her or find out that she was still alive.

She looked to the door and saw Keegan standing outside. She walked out and shut the door behind her. "Hey, are you okay?." She asked him.


"How's your dad?."

"No change, he is still in the coma.." he paused.

Charisma pulled him to her for a hug. She knew, even though they had been through so much at the hands of Jensen and Lena, Keegan had always wanted to find out who his true family were, he always had a need to belong. He was really feeling it with Jensen being in the coma, and nobody really understanding what was wrong with him or if he was going to make it. She wanted to be there for Keegan and support him.

He looked at her and sighed

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He looked at her and sighed. "I'm sorry that I've not been around for you in the last couple of weeks, I promise I will make it up to you...

"Keegan, I understand, you're doing what any son would do any circumstances...

"They've tried to kill us and get rid of us numerous times, so why do I feel like I do... I should hate him, I should be glad he's lying in the hospital bed dying..."

"Keegan listen to me." She said. " You have always wanted this, the family, a father, a real father. And deep down so much has happened to the Taylor family in the last 15+ years, they don't even know who they are anymore. We came along at the wrong time, I believe that if he would've known about you before he was abducted, he would have loved you, and you wouldn't have gone through the pain that you did growing up...." She kissed his lips. " You need to be there, because that is who you are.. I can hold things down here.."

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