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Keegan was completely dumb founded. He couldn't stop looking at this man. "What's up dad.. cat got yo tongue there?"

"Don't you fucking dad me.. I don't know you for shit... you're lying.."

"Im lying.... Okay... well, my mother.. Nijada she kept me from you because you ended up taking all of her kids away from her and she wanted to make sure that didn't happen to me.." he said.

Charisma just looked at Keegan

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Charisma just looked at Keegan. She could see by his face he was completely oblivious to this, this was definitely something he had not kept secret from her all these years.

"What do you want?." Charisma said to him.

He smiled. "To be part of the family of course and the family business.."

"How about fuck you.." Keegan snapped.

Kieron pulled a gun and walked up to Keegan putting the end of it to his head. "Don't you think you owe me mother fucker huh... HUH!.."

"Back up off him now!." Charisma snapped with her gun trained on Kieron. "I'm a tell you something about him.. he is an amazing father... had he even known about you, you would have wanted for nothing... but if what you're saying is true it was yo dumbass mother who stopped you having a relationship with him...

"This is all very touching and shit... but he is not here to make amends, he's here to kill him." Aiden said.

Charisma looked at Aiden. "And you, I was quite looking forward to having a brother but now all I'm gonna say is fuck you and have a nice day..."

"You've got too much mouth bitch.... This place is surrounded...

Charisma smiled. "Is it..."


".... Pops is gonna come for you...

"Why?.. Jase was nothing but a waste of fucking space anyway.. what good did he ever do, he caused more problems than solutions... how many times did we have to bail his fucking ass out when he did shit..." Arlen said.

" Arlen said

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