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"... C.. what are you doing?..."

Tian followed Charisma as she headed down the stairs and into the basement and to the weapons bunker. She pressed to gain access with her handprint, the door slipped open and Tian watched as she loaded up a big hold-all with weapons and ammo.
"Woah... what are you doing with all this?..."

She looked at him. "Don't stand in my way..." she said to him.

"C what is yo plan here...

"To inflict as much pain as possible..
To reinstate the name of this fucking mafia..

"Dad is doing that

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"Dad is doing that.. but you acting up is catching him off guard and taking up his time... he can't run the mafia and babysit you...
Tian stopped suddenly and touched his lip as he tasted the blood in his mouth. He looked at her and wiped the blood from his lip.

"Shut your fucking mouth... I don't need babysitting... I never have... I do what needs to be done.. I always like you Tian, do not make me change me mind... now back the fuck up and leave me to it..." she told him.

She left the site and Tian pulled out his cell. He let the phone ring and ring and then it went to voicemail. "Dad.. I hope you know what the hell yo wife is up to.. shes just half emptied the cache.."


Keegan watched Robyn as she danced for him in the boys room of his home. "I can't believe you've got poles up in here.. yo wife is crazy.. I wouldn't let my man do this shit..."

"You've been paid right for the night

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"You've been paid right for the night..
she nodded.
"So get yo self busy girl..
She walked towards him. "Naw... naw.." he shook his head. "Not on me... I'm good.. but my housekeeper, she hasn't really been putting in the work recently, because she has some
family issues, and I've had to let her go home for awhile... So, in the utility room downstairs you'll find the cleaning stuff, you can do down here and work yo way upstairs....

"Mother fucker! Fuck you!... I ain't no one's fucking house maid!.." she said with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.

" she said with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised

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