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".... Hey sis... someone here you should meet.."

Venice waited as Gina walked out from behind Lamar. "Gina?.." she said.

"You do know who I am then.."

"Of course I do!.. what are you doing in LA?." She said to her, her brow furrowed.

" She said to her, her brow furrowed

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"She was on the jet... we didn't know until we got to LA.." Lamar said.

"Does your dad know?." Venice asked her.

"I'm not a child anymore.. of course he doesn't, but he doesn't care about me or my siblings anyway.... I wanted to come here and see what his life is like here.." she told her.

"Gina you are so wrong about that.. he does talk about you all the time... you're his eldest daughter... but for your safety after your mama died your grandmama had you all with her... too many people knew you were his daughter and your mom got messed up with the wrong people.. which then put you at risk.." Venice tried to explain to her.

"As I said I'm not a child anymore.. I'm almost 20 years old..." Gina stoped and looked down as she saw Valentina walk out and hug into her mothers leg. "Is that... Valentina?." She said looking at her.

"Yes, this is your baby sister.. Gina come inside." Venice pleaded.

Gina thought about it for a second and she nodded and walked in. Lamar smiled at Venice and left them to it. He got back in his car. He felt as if he had been away from Chloe, Christopher and Amie for way too long and he headed home for what was left of the night.


Charisma looked at Keegan as he came to the bottom of the stairs. He smiled at her and kissed her lips. "You're a sight for sore eyes this morning baby.."

"Maybe it had something to do with my husband and how he put it on me last night..."

Keegan walked up to her and backed her against the worktop. "Trust me there is more where that came from.." he said and kissed her again. "But this Lone Ranger shit.. it has to stop C.. at least let me in..."


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