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Many months go by. Everyday, just as Louis said, he picked me up. We would walk to the park or to the gas station to get snacks. The days I was running late for school, Louis and his mom would drive me. His family became my family. They fed me, they took me on small get-aways. I was allowed to stay the night on the weekends and hangout weekdays. They treated me as one of their own. If I did something wrong, which was on a rare occasion, then they'd give me a pep talk and make sure I learn from my mistake. "Isn't your birthday in a few weeks love?" A sweet voice asked.

"Yeah but I usually don't do anything." I mumble, twittling with my thumbs, to Louis.

"Well that changed the second you came into this family," he quickly argued back. "So be prepared for an epic party!" There is a week full of planning and yet I have no take in any of it. I have no idea as to what's going on. The only thing that I know is that I am not allowed to help or know what is going on. It frustrates me. Not being able to help in anyway shape or form.

I was glad that I had someone to do stuff for me, but was sad that it'll all get ruined in someway. Something always came up to ruin it for me. Sooner or later my happiness would deplete from everything.


When the planning was supposedly over, everyone started to be in a frenzy. "What's everyone in a fuss about Louis??" My little worried self questions.

"It's fine Brooke. Don't worry until I tell you otherwise."

How could I not worry. Everyone was cleaning up more than usual. Packing things in small boxes. Reconstructing any damaged property, such as a slightly broken window or dirtied up walls. Everyone was acting so strange. I kept being told that I had to go home sooner than later, and that I couldn't hangout the next couple days. 'Why was everyone being so... awkward towards me? Did I do something wrong' I constantly considered.

I hadn't seen Louis in approximately a week so I decide to see him. I walk over to his house only to see his house practically empty. I frantically bang on the door. No answer. 'Where are they!?' I crazily anticipate. 'What's going on!?' I continue to rapidly hit the door, tears starting to flood down my face. Suddenly the door flings open.

"Brooke!? Uh wh-what's wrong love!?" Louis stimulates.

"What's going on?" I utter, falling into Lou's chest. "Why is your house like this!? Are you guys moving!?!"

"Well uhh I-I was gonna t-tell you th-that we- umm- we," he stutters uncontrollably. I angrily shove him away from me. I stare into his mesmerizing, blue, beauty's he calls eyes.

"What were you gonna tell me Lou!?" I bark at him. "What were you going to say!? 'Oh I'm leaving out of your life in less than a week.'" I mimic, in a voice close to Louis'. There's a long pause before I break the silence. "You can't just do that to me. I've been left by so many people that I love... and- and I don't want to lose you." I burst into tears.

Louis grabs my shoulders and pulls me close. He nuzzles his chin into the crook of my neck. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave. You're my best friend and I care about you more than you think. You're highly intelligent and I can't deceive a gal like you. So I'll tell you straight up." He takes a step back, taking hold of my tiny hands. "I am moving. I'm moving back home. I haven't told you but I have this dream to become a singer. If I become famous ill promise to remember you."

"Even if you're not famous I want you to remember me." I sob into his shoulder for a little while. Thinking of all the fun times we had. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Of course you will. I'll always be in your dreams and especially in your heart." His words were warming and relaxing to my mind. It made me feel comfortable with the fact that he was moving. I wasn't particularly happy with it, but I couldn't prevent him from leaving out of my life, possibly forever.

Being Raised By One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now