Help me.

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"I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me!" My mom pleads for forgiveness, ";please."

"I don't know."

My swollen eyes start to sob to the phone I currently held in my sore hand. The thought of this mornings horrid actions still ran through my head. I cling to the pillow in my dim room.Hanging up the phone to sob harder. My fathers girlfriend walks past my room, hearing my cries, she walks in. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing it doesn't matter." I manage to reply.

"Something's wrong. Now tell me."She said trying to be sympathetic.

"Mommy she uh- she h-hit me." I stutter. "I was playing- and- and she got mad. I-I don't know w-what I did t-to get hit. W-what did I d-do?!" I frantically say.

She gives me a sad yet scared facial expression then walks out the room. My dad worriedly calls my name. "Yes daddy?" My voice quivers.

"Sit down." He sternly demands. He starts to observe my body thoroughly. Inspecting the bruises my mother had recently conflicted. "Hmm." He would hum every couple seconds. The more bruises he finds the angrier his face gets. He stands up, looks at me and says, "stay here." I do as commanded of my little body and wait. "Yes, my daughter was just abused. Could you get some police down there now before I lose it?!" I hear his raspy, angered, voice say. As he walks back he asks, "what happened?" I close my eyes as the flashback comes to mind. What she did, her unneeded hollerings of frustration. All in my mind . All the while I think of it, I describe to my father what had happened. A tear peers out of my left eye. Suddenly I feel hands going around my torso, I flinch, quickly opening my thin eyelids. He looks at me astonished. Thinking how could someone harm me in such a way.


'How could someone harm such an innocent child. My sweet baby.' I think. 'She's the highlight of my world and now her mother destroyed her happiness. She deserves better.'

She sits here and cries for over an hour. By now the police and ambulance have shown up and by her expression she was scared of everyone. One of the doctors that showed up inspects her small frame. Checking every part of her body for anymore signs of injuries. I talk to the police and tell them exactly what she told me. "Has Michelle had any past history of violent abuse towards others?" The police officer asks.

"She has a history of domestic violence, yes." I comment, keeping as calm as possible; for my daughters sake.

"Okay thank you for your cooperation sir." By the time he finished with his multiplicity of questions, the doctor and Brooklyne have reached the bottom of the stairs. They announce that Michelle, her mother, has been put under arrest for domestic violence towards a child. As everyone clears the room and leaves I see my baby girls eyes puff up and release tears down her pretty face.

"Keep strong baby." I try to convince her. How can she keep strong if I'm not even strong about such a thing? "It'll be alright. You will get through this." No words come from her lips. It's understandable. I have no way of reassuring her safety but I know one thing is for sure... is that she's a brave young girl. I want her to have better then this.


I weep in my fathers arms. I have no idea what to do. "It'll be alright." I hear him say. It's not alright. I'm not okay and never will be. People go through worse but I can't pull myself together. Even through all the bad with my mom, I somehow, in some crazy way, still love her. I thought she loved me but for her to hurt me like she has, there's very little room for trust or happiness. I can at least try, for my dads sake.

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