Thats My Hughy

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"Why don't you come over? The X factor is on tonight."

"I have to go to the orphanage and see if it's fine with Miss Evers. Would you go with me Ruby?"

"Yeah that's fine. Meet me by the front of the school." I smile at my friend and walk to class. Happily going about with my day. As each class ends the next goes by faster, I get more excited. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!! The final bell rings. I tiptoe my way to the front and patiently wait for Ruby.

"Is that the orphan girl" I hear a girl whisper.

"Yeah that's her. Rumor has it her parents hated her and didnt want her so they dropped her off at the orphanage." My cheeks burn with disbelief.

"Ha! That sucks! She's such a nerd no wonder why her parents hated her!"

'That's it I've had enough!' I think before snapping back, "Hey! My parents didnt hate me you- you bitch!! My father died and my mother was an alcoholic! So next time you heAR A RUMOR DONT FUCKIN BELIEVE IT BITCH!!" They look at me with eyes agape. I turn and run. My face full of tears. I run and run until I can't anymore. I don't even know where I'm running, but frankly I don't care. Soon I hear the pitter patter of feet running towards me. Thinking it's the girls I just barked at I turn rapidly, eyes blurred, and yell, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Brooke it's me, Ruby. Come here boo. Don't cry."

I look up and wipe the tears. "Did-did you just call me... boo?"

"Well yeah. Is there something wrong with it?"

"No but I just haven't been called boo since... since..."

"Since what?"

I gaze at her. "Since Louis Tomlinson gave me the nickname BooBear." Her mouth drops.

"Did you just say Louis Tomlinson? As in thee Louis Tomlinson from the new band One Direction?" She squeals a bit. I stand up and nod, wiping away some more tears. I tell her about how we met and all I know about him. She is so fascinated so I continue to tell her more. When we reach the orphanage I ask if I can stay at Rubys to watch the show. With permission we walk over to her house. She makes me some food and I gladly consume it. The time quickly goes by until the tv is flicked onto the X factor. Before the show starts the boys, or the new band One Direction, does this funny singing skit with another guy who is playing the guitar. The second I see Louis I jump up. My excitement floods over with uncontrollable tears and smiling that hurts my cheeks.

'I hope to see him soon it's been way too long.' I think. I remember him saying how he wanted to sing and this is it, this is his chance to becoming famous. He looks so happy to be on stage with four of his lads. 'What if those four guys replaced me? What if he isn't wondering about me anymore?'

***LOUIS' POV***

'Wow I miss her. She probably doesn't know it or doesn't even remember me but hopefully wherever she is she'll see me on tv. Maybe she'll even find me.' I prepare myself to sing to the audience along with the lads. I'm completing my dream of singing. Every word I sing is meant for my BooBear.

"Com'on BooBear!" Harry nudges me. For some reason he calls me BooBear but I kinda like it. It makes me feel like Brooke is here with me. Ever since I left Brooke in Plymouth, England to move back home I've thought about her everyday. I love her but I might never see her again so I think it would be best to move on. She would want that.


"Great show lads!" Niall puffs.

"Yeah I mean did you see how many girls showed up?"

"Oh Harry, so typical of you to always think about the girls." Liam, a.k.a Daddy Direction, announces.

"Oi! Louis what's up with you?" The special little Snowflake asks.

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