The twins birthday

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A few weeks had passed. It was the twins birthday. They were both turning 17.
Christine could hardly believe it. She'd been struggling after finding out what had happened to rose, but she wasn't going to turn back to the drink, that was what got them into the situation in the first place. Rose was the first awake as usual they came down the stairs Christine was already waiting
"Ahh morning love, tea?"
"No im okay thanks" they muttered
"Nothing special today is it" she joked
"No, don't think so" they muttered
"It's your 17th birthday!" Christine tried to act exited but she could tell rose was still upset "look love I know how hard this all is for you okay, but I'm here okay"
"I know"
"I'm always here whenever alright" she whispered "your presents are over there when your ready to open them sweetheart okay"
"No, I think I'm just going to head to school"
"Are you sure love"
"Okay then , we can open them later then okay"
"Yeah alright"
"Do you want some money for the shop on your way"
"No, I've still got money from last week"
"Okay then love, I'll see you later okay" a few minutes later Lucy came down the stairs
"Where's rose?"
"They've headed in early"
"Mum what's going on"
"Nothing, nothings going on love"
"Why are you both sneaking around then , I'm sick of this for crying out loud in always left out"
"Trust me love, you'll be glad your left out of this one" she muttered
"Mum what's going on?"
"Nothing for you to worry about"
"Youve been drinking again haven't you"
"No, god no"
"Mum what is it then, please tell me"
"It's Micheal Lucy "
"What about him?"
"It doesn't matter"
"Mum tell me"
"No Lucy, will you just mind your own business for two minutes"
"Sorry for caring" she stormed out. Christine ran after her
"Love I didn't mean it like that"
"You know I think I preferred you drunk, atleast then I was acknowledged" she ran of to school bawling, she had no idea what was going on mrs budgen spotted her on the gates.
"You okay pet?"
"Your mam said it was your birthday today, happy birthday!"
"Atleast someone remembers"
"I'm sure your mam rembers"
"No, ever since she got sobber it's just been rose, rose rose"
"I'm sure there's a valid reason for that pet"
"I wish"
"Tell you what pet your a wee bit early, why don't you come gibe me a hand in the kitchens"
"Okay mrs budgen" Lucy headed down to the kitchens with mrs budgen
"Your mum does care about you you know love"
"I mean it she does love"
"She was better when she was drunk to be honest, atleast I was acknowledged"
"And I'm sure she acknowledges you know pet, these last few weeks have been very tough on your mam you know pet, and she really needs yours and roses support"
"I tried"
"I know it's tough for you too pet okay, and I'm always here"
"Thanks mrs budgen"
"Is that your mam" she said pointing out the kitchen window she was with Micheal.
"Yep, her and her new boyfriend"
"There not"
"Oh god I weren't supposed to tell you Maggie, please don't tell mum"
"I won't love don't worry, you've got reg with your mam aswell haven't you"
"Mhmm" rose came wondering into the kitchens a few minutes later
"There you are I've been looking all over for you, happy birthday sis" she said wrapping her arms around her
"Happy birthday to you too" she said
"A bottle or irn bru for my little sis on her birthday"
"Thanks rose"
"Come here, it's about mum"
"Okay" she said stepping out of the kitchens "what's up, she on the drink again"
"No, don't think so"
"What is it then?"
"Found this in the bin the other day" she said unraveling a box from a off license bag
"You don't think?"
"I  wouldn't be surprised, there inseparable"
"Shouldn't you two be off to registration" said mr Byrne
"Oh, sorry mr Byrne" said rose "I'll speak to you in a bit"
"Erm Lucy, can I borrow you for a second"
"Yeah course" Micheal pulled her to the side
"Is your mum okay? She's gone a bit"
"Cold shouldered"
"She'll tell you why when she's ready"
"Nothing, she'll be fine soon, she goes through these fases"
"Right I'll walk you to registration so your mum doesn't think your late" eh said "mrs mulgrew, she's been with me"
"Okay Thankyou mr Byrne, Lucy take a seat" she smiled after Micheal was out of earshot Christine whispered in Lucy's ear "what did mr Byrne want"
"Wanted to know what was going on with you"
"Told him you go through fases"
"Happy birthday" Lucy muttered
"Just leave it"

I'll finish tomorrow x

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