The social

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A few weeks had passed Christine was still knocked out, no one knew when they where going to wake her up Lucy was frit to death. Rose had been let out on bail, but they'd had to stay with a trusted adult therefore Lucy could have contact. Everything was going fine until a knock on the door one Tuesday morning. She longed hoped it would be George on news of her mum or maybe even rose! but it wasn't instead it was a police officer and a social worker she opened the door.
"Excuse me, can I help you?" She said opening the door.
"Miss mulgrew, can we have a word"
"Of course come in" she said opening the door "take a seat"
"Thankyou" said the social worker
"Can I do something for you?"
"Miss mulgrew"
"Is it about mum"
"Sort of"
"You see we're concerned on your welfare of you looking after yourself miss mulgrew, and as your mother remains unconscious we don't believe it's in your best interests you stay here alone"
"So what are you suggesting?"
"That you go into care"
"No no I'm sorry, I'm 17 I can legally look after myself"
"Without your mother's permission I'm afraid you can't"
"This is ridiculous"
"As soon as your mothers better, you'll be able to come home"
"Well no one knows how long that'll take"
"Miss mulgrew please"
"You take a good look around does it look like I'm not looking after myself why don't you check under the sofa check there's no stashed drugs or better yet some vodka in the kitchen cabinet I'm perfectly fine"
"Your only other option is staying with your dad"
"No, you think I'm staying with that creep you can think again"
"Joe really wants you there miss mulgrew"
"As is joe mulgrew"
"Sorry I'm still not leaving this is my home for crying out loud"
"Like I said without your mother's permission..."
"And how do you expect me to get that?"
"I don't know"
"Exactly can you just leave please"
"Miss mulgrew"
"Just go!"
"We'll be back" they let themselfs out
"God what a mess" she cried. She picked up her bag and left for the hospital she'd been practically everyday since the accident the same as she'd been to prison everyday desperate for rose, when she got there the same social worker was there.
"Ah Lucy perfect timing" said the social worker
"Your dads here"
"No" she bolted into her mums room "mum mum mum please I need you!" She bawled "they want me to stay with joe and his dad I'm not going mum I'm not I'm not. I'm not going to live with them mum not after what he did to you. Mum please!" She sobbed "come on mum come on, it's not fair people are just dicks js being an idiot cause I've got other priorities other than him. Roses trial is next week and they need you. They've made that idiot Simon lowsey take over as acting head I hate it mum I hate it. George keeps draining himself in the booze he's not been to work in weeks. Everyone at school needs you mum. Why is it always us!  the mulgrews are always in trouble aren't they. Toms being a right cow aswell he keeps ringing the social cause he's a two faced cow. I hate this mum! I hate this so much. I'm glad rose killed Micheal he deserved it all the stress he caused us. Even if it was an accident. They want me to make a statement, I'm not doing it though I'm not dobbing my sibling in I don't think so they've got cctv anywyws so we will see. I'll come tell you whay happens. Not like you'll know though, you'll probably still be wacked out quite literally, they keep saying there finding more and more problems everyday and quite frankly I'm sick of that phone ringing. They tell us one thing them change it to another No one has no idea what's going on, and toms started covering your English lessons I hate it so much, kids keep talking the piss aswell saying 'aww look at little Lucy no mummy mulgrew to keep her company' I'm sick of it!. Slapped someone the other day got a weeks exclusion like which I doubt you'll approve of but you didn't hear what they said, mr lowsley didn't give to shits though did he. Can't believe this is happening really it's like a never ending story. Don't know if George has been down here recently haven't spoken to him, as I said he's drained himself in the booze worried about him actually he's very worried about you though, think he's hit a wee crush on you mum to be honest. And you'll never guess what it's up to joe when they wake you up I'm fuming about it. Don't think anyone understands that all I want is my ducking mum back"
"Lucy are you ready to go love" said joe
"Im going nowhere"
"Mind your attitude"
"I'm not going anywhere until you sign the paperwork to wake my mum up"
"She's going to need specialist care Lucy, I'm doing you a favour really"
"No your really not"
"I am"
"All I want is my ducking mum back is that too much to ask"

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