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Lucy ran in smiling her eyes lit up, so did Christine's. "Mum!" She shouted rushing over tears streaming from her face, Christine's too.
"Hey baby" she said taking Lucy's hand "hey"
"You don't understand how glad I am to hear your voice" said Lucy crying her eyes out
"Hey, shush wipe those tears okay" she said wiping Lucy's tears away "it's okay now, I'm here"
"I thought I'd lost you" she bawled
"What you thought you were getting rid of me that quickly did you" said Christine laughing "no, don't be silly wouldn't have left my golden girl on her own again would I" she smiled "I'm so proud of you"
"The drugs have clearly had an impact on you" she laughed jokingly
"I mean it love" she said "I heard you've coped very well without me or rose"
"Who told you that"
"I have been i suppose, but don't think you can leave me again okay! I mean it"
"I'm not leaving you anytime soon sweetheart I can promise you that" she paused "where's rose?"
"At therapy, I think they think you'll be angry"
"I'm not angry, it was an accident" said Christine "so what's new love?"
"We'll ask miss McFall, got my GCSEs back, passed in all subjects"
"Oh well done you" she said weakly wrapping her arms around Lucy
"Got a distinction in drama , a 7 in history and a 8 in English"
"I told you English runs in our bloodline" said Christine jokingly "you never know you could be the next miss mulgrew"
"No, I don't think soooo. Eastenders is my aims"
"Well I always tell you to reach for the stars"
"You did indeed!"
"Did they get a new head yet?"
"Nope, apparently they want you or something, apparently it was Michaels dying wish I don't know it's just what Maggie told me"
"Did rose end up being charged then"
"No, the courts said it was self defence so it didn't count apparently something like that I didn't get to go but, they've got another court case next week, they won't tell me what it's about though" Christine knew exactly what it was about
"That's my baby" she whispered
"Sorry what?"
"Oh nothing" she said "nothing for you to worry about"
"Yes love"
"We're you and mr Byrne like engaged?" Said Lucy
"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything not really"                                                                                                     "mum, me and rose know"

"know what?" she said looking deep into lucys eyes

"about you and mr byrnes little secret" said lucy "we know mum"                                                         "lucy theres nothing to know, i have no idea what your talking about"

"mum dont lie, not again" said lucy "we found the test"

"oh" said christine "right"

"and i honestly dont mind mum, infact im happy about it really"

"well we said no lies didnt we" said chrisitne "you two are like little detectives ill tell you that now, well i was pregnant. im not anymore" she said trying to smile "talk to me next time though yeah" lucy nodded 

"mum, that aint what that nurse said" said lucy

"what are you on about"

"i think you should talk to her not me" said lucy

"lucy, do me a favour and pass me that bowl im actually going to be sick"

"shall i get the nurse?" said lucy rushing to her mums side

"no love dont worry" she said "probably just the drugs wearing of, we know the effect that has on me ey love" she laughed. 

"thats very true" said lucy laughing "erm mum"

"yes love"

"i kinda well er"

"did what?"

"applied to a drama school"

"well thats good isnt it!"

"yeah" chrisitine spotted rose in the window she gestured for them to come in. they hesitently 

its edit time xoxo

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