Chapter 11

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ALEXANDERS POV (Because I'm listening to a song that reminds me of Halexander, so yh ❤️) also, this chapter doesn't rlly contribute to the story, so you can skip it and it won't change anything, that's why it's a bit shorter than usual x

"Well, Mr. Arcady. You bold little so-and-so!" George smirked at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about! I just gave her a hug, gosh!" I cried. To my horror, I could feel my face heating up, "Ugh, George can we save this for tomorrow?"

No! We can't! So, what's the plan?" He asked, lying on his front on his bed, his head resting in his hands.

(for visualisation LMAO just pretend it's George and not a 143097986432986132987321 year old genie 😭✋)

I sighed, trying quite desperately to think of a subject-changer.

"Come on Alex! You OBVIOUSLY like Hazel and she OBVIOUSLY likes you!" George said pointedly.

"I doubt it, she only thinks of me as a friend" I said, a little sadly.

"Alexander Arcady. If you think that, there is no hope left for you," George paused, "Right. How do you feel when she is around; what are your emotions?"

"I don't know! Like.. explosions or something! I don't know George!"

"That's good, that's good!" George said.

"Anything else, or can I go to sleep?"

"One more thing! Well, two but it doesn't matter."

I went to lie down in my bed, "What?"

"First of all, sweet dreams my ickle awex! Second: you are better off talking to Daisy about this, I have absolutely no idea about love and all that rubbish. Although, come to think of it, she doesn't either. Oh well! You should just talk to Hazel!" He said cheerfully.

With that I just gave up, and threw the blankets over me.

"Oi! Night then!" Came George's offended voice.

"Let me sleep!" I groaned.

"Fine! We are continuing this conversation first thing tomorrow!"

"Yeah, yeah sure" I grumbled.


"Rise and shine gorgeous!" George was standing on my bed, right above my head.

"GAH GEORGE!! You scared me, idiot!" I cried.

"BOYS! Be quiet! We are trying to have a serious conversation in here!" Daisy's voice hollered through the wall.

"No don't bother!" Shouted Hazel.

I groggily rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"What are you talking about?" George asked, his face smushed against the wall.

"Why does your voice sound like it's being smushed against something? Why do you want to know?" Came Daisy's voice.

"I'm feeling nosy!"

I could hear whispers from the inter side of the wall, "Uhm, girl stuff!" Hazel squeaked.

"Oh well, in that case I'll be going to get ready, have fun talking about girl stuff!" And with that, I'm not even kidding, George literally strutted towards his wardrobe, pulled out a shirt and some trousers and hesitated.

"Hmm.. I wonder if Daisy would let me borrow some lipstick and a dress.." George pondered.

"You know that she would never. Didn't she say once that she would die before she lent us anything?" I reminded him.

"I'm sure she was talking about you Alex, why would she say anything about me," George said, half-sarcastically.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Right then. I'm off to go and stea- I'm mean borrow some things from Daisy,"

"Have fun trying to get it," I shrugged.

"Oh, I will!" He said, walking out of our door.

I few seconds later I heard Daisy absolutely shrieking her head off, "No! You absolutely can't! Shoo, leave me in peace!"

I saw a very defeated looking George come back into the room, "I'm guessing it didn't go very well?" I laughed.

"It's a perfectly reasonable request! I bet in 100 years you will be seeing boys wearing dresses and lipstick!" George grumped.

"Yes, I'm sure they will, but for now can you please get out of your pyjamas and get dressed?" I pleaded.

"I suppose, only because I'm hungry though! The idiotic food trolly lady forgot to give me food! I'm starving half to death" George said dramatically.

"Yes, that's all very sad but can you please hurry up and get dressed?" I asked, "Don't huff and puff at me!"

"I'm not!" He whined.

I gave him my very best death stare (I think Daisy would've been proud, or maybe not, she doesn't like me much) and opened my casebook and began writing.


Sorry this is a bit 💩 I got writers block halfway through and then couldn't remember what I was gonna put, so that's why it's basically just a halexander chapter 😭

But anyways, I got the chapter out before the deadline I set myself! So proud *wipes away a tear*

Next chapter will be back to the murder mystery (ooh) any guesses as to who the murderer could be? They may or may not already have been introduced! That's all I'm saying 🤫

Have a LOVELY day!

Date: Saturday 17th March 2023
Time: 8:34
Word count: 829 <3

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