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Let's pretend that I definitely didn't forget about this story💀its been three months.

Ahem so anyway.

Thomas walked back to the gardens, his mind full of thoughts. Now, it was Newt versus Nicholas, and Thomas blushed through the small crowd.

He locked eyes with Minho, and motioned for him to come closer. Minho did, tapping Newt on the shoulder as he passed. Newt looked up, then at his brunette friend. Thomas repeated the same action, and the blonde lowered his wand.

By now, most people had to look at the three boys, wondering what was going on.
Newt looked at Nicholas, then put his fingers to his chest, running them in a circular motion. Sorry.
(Speaking of, I've created Nicholas as an OC in a story I'm writing though ik I'll never finish it because I can never stick to stories).

The two boys followed Thomas to the empty classroom, but Lora had left it already. Thomas sat down kn one of the desks.
"Is everything okay?", Newt asked softly. Thomas's stomach knotted. Weird.
"Yeah, what did she want you for?", questioned Minho.

Thomas took a deep breath, wondering how he was going to say the next few lines. "Lora asked me to do something, but I wanted to run it by you two, first".

But Newt was ready shaking his head. "No. No, no. If you're thinking about leaving us, Tommy, then absolutely not".
"Wait, you're thinking about leaving us?", Minho interrupted. They both began to talk over each other.

"No! No, no no", repeated Thomas. "It's not that. Well, not entirely".

They were both confused. Newt asked him, "what are you talking about?".
"She asked me to come back with her, just for the holidays. Back to where I was born".

Minho leant his hands back on the desk, listening as his friend continued.
"I told her no, but she said that you guys could come, too".
"What? Back with you?".

None of the Gladers said anything for a while. Newt ran his tongue over his top teeth, behind his lip. "I don't know. We still don't rely know her".

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. But maybe this is a way that we can get to know her, you know", Thomas was now leaning in wanting to go. But not if his friends weren't.

"I don't think it's a bad idea", Minho shrugged. "I mean, I'd want to go back and look around, if it were me. But, can we trust her?".

Could they? They'd have their wands with them, but was that enough? Thomas got distracted by Newt's yellow tje for a while. "Well, we did get out of the Maze. Beat the Grievers. Why not risk our lives, yet again?".

Minho grinned. "True. Besides, why would she hurt you? You're her beloved Stephen".
"Don't call me that", Thomas laughed. But it looked like Minho was on board. Mino looked at his blonde friend. "Well? You're not going to stay here alone, are you?".

Newt still looked unconvinced. "I don't know, you guys", he said. "Are you sure that this is a good idea?".

"Oh come on, Newt, go to Thomas's homeland with us".
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll protect you", Thomas chimed in.

Newt smiled slightly before looking up and staring, "fine. You know I'd follow you anywhere, Tommy".
"Yay!", Thomas engulfed him in a hug. Minho joined in. "Guess we're going on a road trip!".

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now