𝟖. the night is young

443 12 14

I made sure this chapter was extra long to make up for the last one! please enjoy 🥰

warning: drug use and psychotic women <3

I made a playlist for this so if you wanna have a listen. Here's the scanner code thing:

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4k words.


The Night Is Young
"Sometimes, we aren't meant to meet people again."
-present day-

You took the joint from Eren and sat down next to Connie, you rested it between your lips and took a long drag. "Damn, Y/N. Rough morning?" Connie laughed obnoxiously. Eren laughed a little, "Con man. Don't prude on her business."

You chuckled at the two, blowing out the smoke from your mouth, "It's okay. It was a good morning but there was something- or well should I say someone ruined my morning."

"Ooo, spill the beans," Connie nudges you. You take another drag of the joint and you hand it over to him. "Connie, seriously."

"Eren, it's okay. I kind of need to get it off my chest." You let out a deep breath, "Alright, fire away." Eren smiles at you.

You told them everything. From you knowing Jean since you were kids, your hidden romance, the recent events of seeing him again. Everything.

"Wait. You're Y/N?! Like the Y/N." Connie asked with a confused face on his, Eren lit up another joint and passed it over to you. "I can't believe we didn't piece that together like I mean- wow," Eren said shocked, he leaned back into the sofa and his eyes never leaving you. You took the newly rolled joint and you take a puff, letting the smoke blow out after you inhaled. "He mentioned me to you?" You asked, your brow raised and handing over the joint to Connie.

"Yeah, for the first two years of college. He talked about you a lot, he literally would never give us a moment of piece. Everything reminded him of you." Connie said with slight annoyance in his tone but a laugh came out anyway, "As much as Connie wasn't supposed to say that but we are all high so there's our excuse if it ever comes to it." Eren chuckled, taking the joint and putting it between his lips. You and Connie both laugh, "Yeah, well. I'm just surprised that he talked about me."
"Of course, he was madly in love with you," Connie hysterically laughed, Eren slapping him across the head. "Ow!"
"Now Connie was not supposed to say that," Eren shook his head in disappointment. Your heart dropped after Connie said that. Sure, you were in love with him but you never thought you'd hear he also loved you. "It's okay, I won't say anything," you nervously laughed, your whole body feeling like a feather, the weed had kicked in hard. "I loved him too... So, there's that."
Connie looked over at you, "Do you still love him? I mean he probably still loves-" Eren slapped him once again across the head. "Come on, man! Where do you get off?!"
"You need to learn when to shut up."

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝟏𝟖, Jean Kirstein.Where stories live. Discover now