gold string!

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— one single thread of gold tied me to you

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— one single thread of gold tied me to you . . .

© 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ― james potter .⋆。࿔

edvin ryding as maurice beasley

edvin ryding as maurice beasley

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seventeen. hufflepuff.

reiky de valk as james potter

reiky de valk as james potter

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seventeen. gryffindor.

helen mirren as ethel faron
callum turner as claude beasley
ben barnes as sirius black
andrew garfield as remus lupin
tobie donovan as peter pettigrew
annelise basso as lily evans
julia rehwald as emmeline vance
alex fitzalan as dorian abbott
+ more . . .


      From childhood, Sebastian Faron began to instill in his kids the "correct"  views regarding the blood purity of wizards

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      From childhood, Sebastian Faron began to instill in his kids the "correct"  views regarding the blood purity of wizards. The Faron family had long been considered pureblood therefore maintaining their precious status and influence on the wizard community. Peony, the only daughter of Ethel and Sebastien Faron remained neutral regarding her family's views. Which were forced onto her since she was young. She never had the courage to go against the malicious views her family shared.

      After her time at Hogwarts came to a bittersweet end, Peony began working as a legislator in the Ministry of Magic. Just as her mum had decades ago. In an ideal world she pictured herself working as a healer in St. Mungos, helping injured witches and wizards recover from whatever wound or illness they were suffering from. But alas it was just all a fantasy, instead she found herself living in a world where she was shackled to the beliefs of her family.

      The only time Peony would ever have a sense of freedom, true freedom, was in her late thirties when she married Silas Beasley. A wizard she had the pleasure of meeting at Fleamont and Euphemia's wedding, after that magical night the two lost touch with one another. That was until the planets and stars aligned and she ran into him at work— literally, she spilled her coffee all over his suit. The only reason her mum allowed the wedding to take place was simple, quite vile but simple, her future son in law was pureblood. Ethel's wish came true, the Faron blood would remain pure.

      Ah, regret, regret became a constant feeling tucked away in the back of her mind only to be brought back to the surface late into the night. Peony deeply cherished every moment of her life after her marriage, she held it near and dear to her heart— the only thing her mum never managed to control. There were times Peony wished to turn the clock back and stand against her family's views. She would do anything to give her younger self the option to make a living of her own, instead of having her life planned out by her mum.

      At some point she began to accept the life she was destined to lead, a life her mum deemed fit for a witch of her status to have. All of those years of her life being controlled by her own mother and feeling trapped by a society she was born into seemed obsolete. Being married to the man she was destined to love until her last breath, until the name Peony Beasley became nothing but another name in history.

      Being married to Silas made living worth it. Nothing else in the world mattered. Nothing.

      Years into their marriage Silas came clean to his wife about a family secret he had swept under the rug for far too long. It was a secret he knew one day could make its way into the light once they had children of their own.

      Centuries ago a dark wizard placed a malicious curse on one of his ancestors, which would be carried through their bloodline. Effectively tainting their once pureblood until the end of time. The curse would only manifest itself if a baby boy was born on a blood moon.

      Time. Time was everything Peony needed to fully understand the severity of the situation she found herself in. This secret could completely derail her entire life, the life she barely had any control of. She could not bring herself to imagine what her mum would do if she ever found out.

      Ethel Faron had ways of knowing things, some witches and wizards say she had ears everywhere. It was only a matter of time before she found that her family tree would be growing.

      So, in the middle of the night Peony and Silas packed everything they could carry on their backs and made a run for it. Peony was ecstatic at the thought of finally living the life she always dreamt of, even if it meant living on the lam. Despite abandoning their life in a rush Peony made sure at least one person knew of their location. Her closest friend from Hogwarts, Euphemia Potter, who was also expecting her first baby after many years of struggling to start a family with Fleamont.

      After living the better part of her life being controlled by her mum, Peony finally let go of all the regret she kept hidden in the back of her mind. She was no longer that little girl who was afraid of going against her family's views, against the grain. At last she found peace living in a small cottage on the outskirts of a sleepy town, ah yes a fresh start for Peony and Silas to finally set roots down and start a family of their own.

      Just as they expected their son, Maurice, was born on a blood moon but long gone was the looming threat that was Ethel Faron. They were safe.

      Five months of happiness, that is how much time Peony and Silas had before they had to pay the price. While living in the town, Peony quickly became very close with a woman who worked at the local bakery, to her dismay the woman was feeding Ethel information on her whereabouts. That day was a blur. A slow agonizing blur.

      Once the dust settled and chaos subsided Ethel found herself taking in Maurice and raising him as her own. Maurice can always reject his grandmother, but he cannot escape his fathers blood and the curse he inherited.
authors note, dedicated to the one and only @-rogersonlyfans without you i don't think i would ever be publishing again, i love you so much and to anyone who has taken the time to read this, thank you <3

i don't support jkr at all, she's a horrible human being and if you do kindly leave

and without further ado, the story begins...

(tw for mentions of physical and emotional abuse)

gold string, JAMES POTTER [under construction] Where stories live. Discover now