chapter one.

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chapter one — christmas eve, remember?
December 25th, 1976

      Every single year, ever since they were little kids running around with snot dripping from their noses, Maurice and James had an ongoing tradition that took place on every year. It was rather silly to people who did not know them, the history they shared, but spending Christmas Eve together was very special for them. It had been an entire month since he became a death eater against his will, since he was forced to be on the wrong side of history.

      During that entire month Maurice would cry himself to sleep, the only days where his pain would be put at ease was when he would see James and Sirius, or as Ethel would refer to him that... that blood traitor. A soft knock came from his bedroom door, he hummed in response and on the other side of the door was a rather short clumsy elf, his elf, though he hated calling Tobbs his as if he was an object. "Master Maurice," The house elf announced as he waddled into the bedroom, a plate teeter tottering in his hands "Tobbs has brought Maurice dinner." He spoke, placing the plate of food on his desk.

      "Thank you, but I won't have dinner here, Tobbs," A small smile appeared on Maurice's face "it's Christmas Eve, remember?" The house elf stood by the foot of his bed, hands crossed behind his back, the few strands of hair on his head were always swooped to the side. Every single year on Christmas Eve, Maurice would join the Potters for dinner, they were a second family to him.

      Maurice stood up from his bed, walking over to the plate of food Tobbs brought up, grabbing a slice of turkey. "Oh, that is correct," he paused, climbing up onto the bed. "Master Maurice is spending Christmas eve with Sir James Potter and his family!" The elf exclaimed.

      "Is nan home?" He queried, slightly bending his knees to be on eye level with his beloved house elf. "She promised she would join the Potters for dinner this year." There used to be a time when she would accompany him to the Potter Manor, it was the only time of year where she felt like his grandmother, warm and sweet.

      "I do not want to be associated with that blood traitor." She had told him the previous year when she found out Fleamont and Euphemia had taken in a boy, Sirius Black who ran away from home. "Go on without me." Ever since that day, she has not set foot in the Potter Manor.

      "Tobbs is afraid your grandmother is rather occupied at the moment."

      Maurice's heart ached after hearing that word, occupied, he knew she was not really busy with anything. It was a shame, truly, Ethel could not place her own prejudice aside for one day, one dinner. He quickly shrugged it off, nothing was going to ruin Christmas Eve for him, not his grandmother...and not the mark. "Very well, I should head out soon before the snowstorm gets worse." The house elf nodded, quietly walking out of the front door with the plate in his hands.

      He dug through his old wardrobe, blindly feeling around in the dark, trying to find the gift he was planning on giving James. "Found you." He smiled to himself as he pulled out a small box with a red ribbon on it. He draped a scarf around his neck, and patted his ear muffs down as he walked down the main stairs. Where a portrait hugged the wall, it was his great grandfather, Montague Mercier, from his mum's side if he remembered the name correctly.

      As a child Maurice feared the old man in the portrait— to this day he still fears him, sometimes more than his nan. He had a handlebar mustache with thick sideburns, a top hat covering a head full of hair which was rare since he appeared to be on the older side. He was a rather handsome wizard, anyone could see that. As he walked down the stairs, Maurice tried his best to avoid making eye contact with the portrait.

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