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prologue — breathe in, breathe out
November 13th, 1976.

      DARKNESS LINGERS EVERYWHERE in the Faron Manor, any rays of sunshine, the slightest glimmer of hope were mercilessly snuffed out in the narrow hallways. Tucked away in the furthest corner of the manor lies Maurice Beasley's bedroom, a forlornly flame in the middle of a harsh snowstorm. The flame however never stood a chance, from the beginning it was always destined to be extinguished.

      One way or another.

      He felt his heartbeat pulse rapidly in his throat and no matter how slow his chest rose and fell, it was to no avail. His heartbeat seemed to only speed up, if that was even possible. On the wall opposite from the door was a window that gave him a splendid view of the grounds, most importantly of the stars. He lifted his chin up, examining the flecks of light in the night sky, hoping the sight might calm his quick heartbeat.

      It had only been thirty-six hours since Tom Riddle and his loyal followers began to dwell among the same four walls Maurice calls home, and Ethel Faron— his grandmother absolutely adored the attention she got from the other death eaters. To her sleeping under the same roof as the Dark Lord was the greatest honour in the entire world. That was until he decided the manor no longer served him any purpose, then it was just a matter of time for one of his many followers to open their door for him.

      Maurice was lost in his own thoughts he didn't even hear the loud shriek coming from the doorway "Dear, how many bloody times have I told you to keep that. . ." Ethel gritted her teeth, almost as if she was about to say the most foul word to exist. "illness hidden!" She slammed the creaky door behind her before any passing eyes could witness the, according to her, monstrosity.

      The warmth from his skin started radiating and the life in his eyes shined once more as he gently descended down to the floor. "But nan I'm in my own bedroom—" He pleaded before realizing he had raised his voice at his grandmother. The next thing he felt was a sharp sting across his face as he fell down to the floor cupping his pulsing cheek with his hand, tears swelling in his eyes.

      Ethel hunkered down before him. "I thought you had learned your lesson the last time I caught you in that state, darling." She warned him, reaching her hand out to push a loose strand of hair out of his face, he instinctively closed his eyes shut and lowered his head down to his shoulders in an attempt to shrink down. "Very good." A thin smile crept up on her face.

      "I'm sorry, it will not happen again, I promise" He kept his gaze focused on the wooden planks, looking anywhere in the room really, afraid to make eye contact with the woman towering in front of him. Her cold gaze alone sent shivers down his spine and made the hairs on his arm stand on ends.

      To say that Maurice hated life in the Faron Manor was the understatement of the decade, century even. Many many years ago, before Maurice was born. Ethel and Sebastien would use any excuse to throw a lavish ball or host dinner parties. Of course, only pure blood witches and wizards would ever get invitations. It was all to keep their influence and standing within the pure blood community.

      But now, the house is but a mere shell full of whispers from a lifetime ago.

      The only thing keeping Maurice fighting was the family who lived down the road, The Potters. They have welcomed him time and time again with open arms into their home. Specifically, James Potter, Maurice wouldn't even know where to begin describing the love the two boys shared. Ever since they were young lads, the two were practically attached at the hip.

      "I will be expecting you downstairs shortly," She ordered standing up from the floor. "Oh, and I do hope you have not forgotten our little talk. I expect you to do as you were told, Maurice." She gently closed the door behind her, leaving her only grandson on the floor a complete mess, wiping away any stray tears with the back of his hand.

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