Part 11

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Jason parked his car and made his way to the hospital reception

Jason: Hi I'm here to see my sister Cheryl blossom she's on maternity ward

Receptionist: Yep sign yourself in and  I'll take you to the main desk
Jason: Thank you

They walked down to the main desk she looked through the list she's in room 19

Jason walked to her room he could here the shower going Cheryl had a baby monitor in the bathroom so she could hear if willow crys
he walked in the room the baby was in her crib he sat on the bed and just looked at her

10 minutes later
Cheryl came out the shower and saw Jason holding her baby's hand

Cheryl: get away from my baby

Jason: look Cheryl I'm so sorry for what happened but this is my niece you can't just take her away from me

Cheryl: look I don't care what you say she's my child I can do what I want and I've already told you so many times we don't need you and your not apart of my life or my baby's do you understand now get away from her

As she said that Toni walked in

Toni: what an earth is he doing here babe

Cheryl: I have no idea I came out of the shower and he was stood there next to willow holding her hand

Jason: she's called willow you named her after are great great grandmother
He said smiling looking at her

Cheryl: Jayson just get out I don't want  you to be within 3 feet of my child let alone right next to her so move away

Jason: hang on a minute If you don't want your child taken off you then I better be able to see her or Ill call the police and tell them that a 16 year old is dating a 21 year old

Toni: Jason get over yourself we love eachother that's all that matters if Cheryl doesn't want you near our baby then that's up to her now move away

Jason: your baby he said laughing your not even her mum Toni and you never will be I'll leave but I swear this won't be the last you see of me believe me I'm going to make your life a living hell like I did mums he said as he stomped out the room

Cheryl stood there in complete shock zoned out willow started to cry but Cheryl didn't go pick her up she just sat on the bed oh no oh no she said to herself with her head in her hands

Toni goes and picks up willow and walks over to Cheryl babe it's going to be okay I promise willow wants feeding she said about to pass her over
you do it Toni Cheryl replied
Toni sat on the bed and feed willow while Cheryl just sat there

Once the baby was asleep again Toni walked over to Cheryl and sat her on her lap baby I need you to listen to me Jason won't do anything he won't get away with this I promise she said picking up the phone

She dialed a number and started talking

Toni: I need it done as soon as possible

Mysterious caller: I'll get it done I promise

Toni: good once it's done tell him he is not to even contact me Cheryl or willow ever again or his consequences will get worse

Mysterious caller: yep we've got it talk to you later miss bossy he said laughing down the phone

Toni: yep speak to you later

Cheryl: who was that babe

Toni: it's just a friend who's going to have a word with your brother about leaving us alone does that make you feel any better

Cheryl: yes baby it makes me feel alot more comfortable she said turning around and passionately kissing Toni

Half an hour later a nurse came in

Nurse: since willow has come out of NICU and been able to maintain her weight we think she's ready to finally go home you will be able to go tomorrow after 2

Cheryl: really that's amazing thank you for everything you have done for her we can't wait to take her home

The nurse smiled then walked out of the room

Toni: baby we get to take our little girl home tomorrow she can finally be comfortable in her own house I'm so excited and that means you also get the surprise you have wanted for the last week

Cheryl: omg yes the surprise I completely forgot about that I can't wait she said picking up there daughter and snuggling on the bed as a family

Who do you think this unknown caller is and what is he going to do take your guesses in the comments  I Will update tomorrow with the next chapter which will tell you guys who this mysterious caller is hope your enjoying 🥰

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