Part 19

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The next morning Cheryl woke up at 6.00 am with the worst hangover of her life

She got up and got in the shower as soon as the water hit her body she burst into tears and fell to the floor sobbing

Toni woke up not long after she heard the shower going and went towards the bathroom then she heard sobbing coming from inside

Toni: baby are you alright she said trying to get in but the door was locked

Cheryl: I'm fine Toni don't worry she said trying to hold back the tears I'll be out in a minute

Toni: can you open the door for me please

Cheryl: not right now I promise I'll be out in 5 minutes she said getting out but keeping the water on

Okay toni said walking away worriedly

Once Cheryl was dressed she put some makeup on to cover the fact she had been crying and walked out the bathroom hugging Toni from behind

Toni: Hey are you sure your alright it  sounded like you were crying in there she said while packing all the bags ready to go back home

Cheryl: yeah I'm good I just accidently hit my head and it really hurt she said making up a lie

Oh ok Toni said kissing her head all better

They all packed up and set off home
When they arrived Cheryl went straight upstairs with Skyler and they started unpacking while Toni played with willow Enzo and ivy downstairs

Skyler: so did anything interesting happen yesterday I mean you did disappear for a good 2 hours she said

Cheryl looking worried: no not really I ended up falling asleep then coming back down once I woke up but I'll tell you what my head was banging this morning

Skyler: I bet it did you were very drunk I'm amazed you even remember anything you were flirting with everyone last night even me she said laughing

Cheryl: I did omg I don't remember doing that I'm so sorry she said letting out a chuckle trying to play it cool but she thought to herself if I was flirting then maybe it's my fault it happened

Later they went back downstairs Cheryl spotted Harley

Hey Harley can I speak to you please

Harley walked over to her what's up

Cheryl: So your just going to act like nothing happened she said snapping

Harley: Look Cheryl we were both drunk and it's only sex why do you care so much

Cheryl: really why do I care because I'm married you idiot and do you really think Toni will be like oh it's just sex it doesn't matter exactly no she won't

Harley: Cheryl there is absolutely no point in breaking Toni's and Skyler's heart over it so just keep your mouth quiet is that a deal

Cheryl said really pissed off  fine deal but you owe me big time I hate lying to Toni

They both walked back to the living room splitting up is everything good Skyler said

Yeah it's all good they both said smiling

Good good she said and they all sat down watching telly eating there dinner

After dinner Cheryl decided she was going to go on a walk it was dark so she didn't want to go out by herself so she got willow in the pram and left without telling anybody where she was going

Cheryl walked through the woods to the duck pond where she sat on a bench thinking about what she had done.

Back at home

Toni: Cheryl she shouted but there was no answer she looked in every room but she was nowhere to be seen

She went downstairs has anybody seen Cheryl and willow

No we haven't sorry Skyler said

Toni tried her phone atlest 15 times but it just went straight to answer phone

She's probably just gone for a walk toni don't panic Harley said

Yeah okay I'll give her sometime I'm probably just being to over protective

2 hours went by and there was still no sign of Cheryl Toni started to get really worried so she called fangs

Fangs: hey Toni whats up

Toni: hey fangs I thought Cheryl just went for with willow but now I'm not sure it's been 2 hours since we've seen her and her phones dead have you seen her at all

Fangs: no she hasn't come here look I'll get some of the boys out searching and I'll let you know if we see her

Toni: thank you fangs your a life saver she said hanging up the phone

Another 30 minutes went by and fangs was about to go to Toni's house but all of a sudden the Whyte wyrm doors flew open and Cheryl appeared with willow stumbling all over the place

Fangs: Cheryl where have you been you had us all so worried especially toni he said hugging her she smelt of pure alcohol

Cheryl didn't say anything she just stayed quite remembering she made a deal not to say anything she handed fangs willow then laid on the couch falling straight to sleep

Fangs picked up the phone and called Toni

Toni: have you found her and willow

Fangs: yeah there both here willows safe and Cheryl well she's here drunk out of her mind he said

Toni: she's drunk

Fangs: yep completely drunk she walked in stumbling everywhere and could barely talk she's now asleep on the sofa

Toni: okay thank you fangs I'm on my way

Skyler Toni said shouting up the stairs can you look after Enzo for half an hour please

Yeah no problem she said running down the stairs to grab him

Toni then set off to the Whyte wyrm

As she arrived She walked through the doors I'm here fangs she shouted and then saw Cheryl on the couch oh for gods sake she said she walked downstairs to fangs who had willow did she say why she did it

Fangs: nope she didn't say anything she just handed me willow and went to sleep on the sofa

Toni: ok thank you I'll sort her
she walked over to Cheryl ok time to get up she said but Cheryl couldn't even stand up she was so drunk
Ok I'll tell you what I'll take willow home and you can stay here if that's the way you want to be

I'll see you later fangs and thank you so much she said hugging him then  Toni set of home she got the kids sorted before laying down and going to sleep

The next day she heard the bedroom door open and Cheryl stumbled in hungover I'm here she said

Bit to late for that don't you think Toni said angrily 

Alright babe dont shout my heads pounding

Well then maybe you shouldn't just disappear and get drunk with our 6 month old baby with you

Oh whatever toni Cheryl said she's my kid I can do what I want

I don't get what's up with you at the minute this isn't the girl I agreed to married Toni said stomping out the room to Enzo's room

Cheryl just fell on the bed crying she said out loud without realising you really don't want to know what's going on but Toni luckily didn't hear she just rolled over and held her babies hand everything will be okay I promise princess she said before going back to sleep

What's going to happen next is everything okay with Cheryl and Toni can they resolve the issue you will have to wait and see I'm going to make a little jump to get the story hype up again but let me say their is going to be a few complications thrown in Toni and Cheryls way so let's see if they can really handle anything 🤔🤫💖

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