The Start of the End of the World

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring Matchbox Twenty in my ear and get up to get dressed in my workout outfit. It's a pink crop top, with matching leggings, a navy blue hoodie with my pink and blue sneakers. I unplugged my phone and placed it in my pocket, walking over to the fridge I take a sip of juice before brushing my teeth and going out for a run. It's only 5 AM, so most of my small town isn't awake just yet.

I plug in my earbuds with my workout playlist as I run down to the river and alongside it until I reach the hill. Opting to go up the side stairs this time, I quickly get up and run towards the other sets of stairs before doing some light stretching. I climb up the remaining stairs and walk to the small coffee shop.
As always, I'm their first customer. I smile and make small talk as the owner gets my usual order ready and I pay and thank her once it's done. I eat my cinnamon roll at one of the tables as I type up some paperwork on my phone before finishing up and waving goodbye.
It's 6 AM at this point so I walk home, content with the slight chill and stillness of the morning before I am thrown into the craziness the rest of my day has planned for me.
The moment I get home I grab my day clothes and jump in the shower before all the hot water is lost to my step-siblings. After I finish my five-minute shower, I dry off and get changed, deciding to let my hair air dry, so I won't wake anyone up.

Once I am dressed, I throw my hair up in a messy bun, waiting till later to brush it, and I get started on making breakfast for the family. I make pancakes and bacon, with coffee, (stealing a few pieces here and there) before going to wake everyone up. I give my mother and stepfather their coffee, before waking up Caydie, my 22-year-old step-sister, with the promise of a hot shower if she gets up now, which usually gets her up and going, then onto my 21-year-old twin step-brothers, Colby and Caden. Granted, once they smell food, they're usually ready to get up and eat.
Once they're up and eating is when I take a moment to myself to check my calendar and what I need to get done today.

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