CHAPTER 1 (new)- Beauty

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Author's note: There are many changes to this story! If you read this story before march 14th 2023 then you got a different version of the story which no longer exists!

I hope you enjoy the changes that were made, I know I have enjoyed reworking this story into something I can be proud of.


It's been six months since the Illuminati captured Yukio and three years since I was promoted to Paladin, making it six years since I graduated from cram school and became an exorcist.

Of course, it only took them a year with Arthur missing for them to finally promote me to being a paladin. It seemed for some time the Order was going to do everything they could to avoid giving me the title.

They used every excuse from the war to the simple fact I was too young to receive it, despite the fact Arthur was not that much older than I was when he got the job. Strangely enough, it ended up being Mephisto who helped me get the promotion.

Even now that I see him regularly at the Vatican I cannot tell what his motives are. I'm just glad I am still on his good side, or at least not one of his enemies.

It's also because of Mephisto's meddling that I get to see everyone. Shiemi is hard to see with all of her Shiemihaza duties, but she is just as bright and fun to speak with as she was before. Even with all her restrictions I think she likes being next in for Shiemihaza. She finally gets to help in the way she always wanted.

She seems to be getting along fine without Yukio, but it's hard to tell, everyone has been different since Yukio was taken.

Shura seems mostly normal, but she seems to have thrown herself into her work and the war. She's stopped drinking, but I can't tell if that's because she's too busy or if there is another reason. Beyond her Bon and Koneko have been holding up well, especially considering Renzo's constantly unsteady alliance.

I'm not entirely sure what side Renzo is even on if he is on a side. But his tips and information have been undeniably helpful. I think I have been doing a good enough job of providing false information. To keep him from getting suspicious I will throw in real information, of course sparingly, and what I do give is usually unhelpful.

In the end, I have full say over what he gets to know, of course, he doesn't know this. He thinks the information he gleans from us is important, but the real issues are Renzo's colleagues who we still don't have the names of.

We have gone to desperate measures to ensure our security, and we have done everything short of forcing everyone to sign a Morinath Contract. Truth serum, familiar interrogations, and general pressure have been enough to keep most in line and loyal.

Despite all of our efforts, more exorcists are being captured by the day, and we are losing this war badly. More people are getting Mashos and joining the war, but it seems as soon as we gain a new group of exorcists we lose three.

From what we can tell the people aren't being killed, just kept somewhere, although Shima has been very unhelpful in telling us where. Though his next reports should be promising, he asked specifically to meet with me and Mephisto to deliver the information. It's where I am headed now

I am stopped in the hall by Bon, who looks as if he is ready to retire. It was strange seeing him as worn down as he appeared, with eyes bags and a midnight shadow creeping over his chin.

He did a general favor of putting on deodorant.

"Hey Okumura," He panted, matching my pace.

"What's got you so tired Suguro?"

Beauty and the demon LuciferXRinWhere stories live. Discover now